Chapter 7

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That night, the constant nightmare went further than it usually did. When he collapsed on the ballroom floor, the whole room went dark, and he was left with red lights flickering around. He stared at them in pain, not able to move a muscle as they came closer. Right before they touched him, they disappeared, but a man was left in their place.

The man looked like Will but held distinct differences. His smile was ugly and twisted, a cruel glint in his eyes. But his eyes were blue like Will's and his hair was the same. His skin was paler than Will's, however, and held scars. Will's skin had been perfect. From that blond hair, horns grew and twisted upwards. His white teeth were pointed. A tail and wings emerged from behind him.

"You...have no look like Will." Nico sat himself up, knowing exactly what was before him. He didn't know if it was a dream or not but didn't care. Maybe this was his chance.

The man laughed. God, did he have Will's laugh. "I'm waiting."

Nico looked at him for a long while. "You know what I want. One dance with Will."

"That's it?" his tail flicked as he smirked, kneeling in front of Nico. "My my, you're so weak. And scared."

"Shut it." Nico glared at him. "I want a dance with Will. And I want it so nobody thinks something happened."

"And how do you expect that to happen? Suddenly you get feeling in your legs and then it disappears again?"

Nico shook his head. "Have it leading up to the dance. When the dance is over, I could've damaged them too much, and I go back to being paralyzed." How much had he thought about this without realizing?

"You really want that?" the man was so close, Nico could feel his breath.

Nico nodded, his eyes watering. "I want Will to have his dream. That's all I want, no matter the consequences." He glanced away. "This isn't a dream, is it? Well, I'm not scared of you. Not anymore. I'm mad. Mad you chose to look like Will."

"Look in my eyes, for the deal to be done." he chose to ignore Nico's words. "Look into my eyes, Nico di Angelo."

Nico, without a second thought, looked into those blue eyes. As soon as he did, the man shot forward and slashed his hand across Nico's chest.

And everything went black.

~~~Line Break~~~~

Nico opened his eyes in the morning, letting out a small groan. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked around the room, shivers running through his body as he thought about the night before. Had that been only a dream? He really hoped it hadn't been.

He closed his eyes to think, and those blue eyes stared back into his.

Nico opened his eyes quickly, rubbing his face. "God, this is weird." He looked at his clock, frowning at the time. He would have to go to his doctor's soon.

That day, however, was the first time he could feel his toes. He didn't notice at first, too preoccupied by dreading the appointment. But he started them and almost had a heart attack.

"Oh my god..." he pulled the blanket off, looking at his toes. He couldn't move them but could feel the pins and needles. They felt like his arm when it fell asleep. ""

Nico laughed softly. "Oh my god!" He smiled brightly in happiness before pulling his shirt off, just to see. Where he had felt the hand in his dream, three large scratch marks were made.

Nico quickly got his shirt on before screaming for Hazel. In less than a minute, Hazel and his parents were coming through his door. By that time, Nico was crying in happiness.

"Nico, what's wrong?" Hazel ran to his side. "What is it?"

Nico held onto her tightly, not remembering the last time he smiled so bright. "My toes!"

Hades frowned in confusion, slowly going in. "What's wrong with them, Nico?"

"I can feel them!" he waved his arms in excitement. "I can really feel them! Oh my god, it's amazing!"

"That's...that's impossible." Hades went pale. "Nico, you're joking, right?"

Nico shook his head, trying to avoid Hazel's stare. "I'm not joking, dad. I can feel them. Pins and needles."

Hades smiled brightly after a second, hugging his son tightly. "Nico! This is great! Do you know what this means?!"

Persephone rushed over, also hugging Nico. "The rest of his legs could also get feeling back. That's amazing. You know what that can do, Nico? You can dance with Will. You don't have to feel sad about it anymore."

"Persephone, don't get his hopes up." Hades himself needed that advice, he too looking over excited. "Just incase that doesn't work."

"Let's hurry and get him to the doctor." Persephone rushed towards Nico's closet. "Nico, what do you want to wear?"

"I don't care." Nico couldn't wipe his smile away, holding onto his father tightly. "Dad, I'm so happy."

"I know, I know. I am too." Hades took the clothes from Persephone and handed them to Nico. "You have to explain to the doctor, okay? Try not to get your hopes up."

Nico knew what would happen, but nodded at his father. He got changed quickly, being careful of his legs. He didn't want to mess anything up.

"Dad, can I talk to Nico alone?" Hazel spoke for the first time since they entered that morning. "It's about something personal."

Nico glared at her slightly. "No, we don't have time."

Hazel sighed heavily, glaring back. "Afterwards, then."

"Fine." he bit his lip, looking to Hades. "Can we go?"

Hades was looking between them, confusion written all over his face. "Are you two fighting?"

"Just bickering." Nico dragged himself into his wheelchair. "Let's go." He was basically bouncing in excitement. "My doctor can do a scan or something, yeah?"

Hades nodded, pushing the chair out. "Relax, Nico. Please, please, don't get your hopes up."

Nico nodded again at the warning. But why would he listen? That dream, it had to have been real. Those scratches on his chest wouldn't have come from nothing, and that would have been a really coincidental time for all of this to start.

So he smiled, leaned back in his chair, and waited for the rest of his legs to gain feeling.

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