Chapter 3

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At exactly eight the next morning, Nico woke to the doorbell ringing. Groaning, he propped himself up on his elbows and looked around the room. Nobody had come to get him, and he was still in the clothes from the day before.

He could hear the front door open, hear voices from downstairs. He didn't try to move, however, hoping that they would forget to wake him up.

After a minute of thinking, he quietly made a deal with himself, whispering aloud for his room to hear. "If he leaves the house today without talking to me, we aren't supposed to be together, and I won't try to be with him. If he does talk to me...then I'll try."

After about ten minutes, the smell of pancakes met his nose. He bit his lip and held his stomach, just staring at the ceiling. Will would leave soon...he had to leave soon...

A knock on his door broke him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" he asked quietly, looking over there.

"Time for breakfast," Hazel replied. "Will's done cooking."

"I don't want to get up," Nico mumbled. "I'm too tired."

"Too bad." Hazel came in, not closing the door behind her. "What do you want to wear?"

"Nothing. I don't want to change."

She threw a band shirt at him before carrying sweatpants to him. "Too bad, lazybones."

He hesitantly changed into the shirt, frowning. "So, he's really here?"

She nodded, getting his pants on him. "Of course."

"And he made pancakes?"

"Yep." she grabbed a comb off his dresser, brushing it through his hair. "And french toast and bought orange juice. So you're coming down."

He smiled a little. "He did all that?"

She nodded, smiling. "For you, idiot."

He blushed lightly, looking away. "It wasn't for me."

She dragged him into his wheelchair, getting socks on his bare feet. "Yes, it is. So let's go downstairs."

He nodded slightly, letting her take him out. His dad brought him downstairs without a word, but he didn't seem mad. Only hurt.

Nico noted to apologize later, when they were alone. He wouldn't do it in front of Hazel and he definitely wouldn't do it in front of Will.

Hazel pushed his chair into the kitchen, and Nico was thankful he wasn't walking. As soon as he saw Will, he couldn't seem to breathe. The morning sun shone through Will's hair, illuminating it, and his eyes shone brighter in the light. He wore a white shirt with a low neckline and jeans, but to Nico, it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Even his stance, lazy and calm, seemed too beautiful not to stare.

Hazel smiled, clearing her throat. "Will, I've got the guest of honor."

Nico frowned up at her. "It's my house. How am I the guest of honor?"

Will smiled, carrying two plates to the table. Hazel parked Nico there before going out, not sparing a word or staying for food. Nico was suddenly met with silence and a plate of the best-looking food he had ever seen.

"It looks good..." Nico whispered, slowly taking a bit. He smiled when he did, the flavors erupting and letting him know Will wasn't lying. His pancakes were amazing, the best Nico had ever had.

"Thank you," Will spoke softly, making Nico freeze completely. "I made them extra good today because I knew I had to impress you again. Now, you may ask, what do I like better? Pancakes or dancing? I would say-"

"Dancing." Nico finished for him, his voice shaking. "You love to dance."

Will smiled, nodding. "You already know me and we're still strangers."

Nico tried to calm his beating heart, cursing himself for the deal he had made himself. Now he had to try... "I don't think we're strangers."

"You don't?" Will smiled at him.

Nico shook his head. "And if you do, w-we should change that."

Will smiled, looking down at his plate. "Agreed. But how does one become friends? Hanging out? But what separates friends and dating? What separates hanging out and a date? A kiss? Some feelings? What one person wants and the other doesn't?"

Nico coughed slightly. "We're already talking about a date?"

"Well, Hazel said you were looking." Will explained. "And so am I. She said you're gay. And so am I. And you're cute and likable. That's date worthy."

Nico just stared at him, for the first time completely speechless. How the hell did that escalate so quickly?

"I think I'm free next weekend." Will continued on. "How does Saturday sound?"

Nico couldn't do anything but nod slightly.

Will smiled brightly, melting Nico's heart. "Awesome. Where do you want to go? Coffee? Dinner? Oh, I know. I'll surprise you. Dress warmly, okay?"

Nico nodded again.

Will smiled, getting up. "I've got to go. I'll pick you up at five AM."

Nico looked at him like he was insane. "What?"

"Five. In the morning." Will spoke like it was obvious. "That's the only time we can do what we're going to do. Okay?"

Nico found himself shrugging and nodding at the same time.

Will laughed softly at him, getting his jacket on. He kissed the top of Nico's head and left in a blur, not giving him time to process anything until he was gone.

"Did...did he just...?" Nico looked around in confusion.

Hazel came in then, smiling brightly, almost squealing with delight. "This is so cute!"

"Were you listening?!"

She nodded, sitting where Will had. "Oh my god, this is amazing. I wonder where he's going to take you."

"It isn't any of your business." he started to eat again. "It's between me and Will. That's it."

"So you're going to actually date him?" Hazel smiled, bouncing in her seat. "Thank god, because you need someone. You can't mope around for the rest of your life."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"Yeah, well, too bad." she kissed his cheek. "I've got to run. Want me to get you back upstairs?"

He shook his head slowly. "I'll watch TV or something with mom."

She smiled, nodding. "Call if you need anything, okay?"

He nodded.

She also left, the same way Will did.

Nico wanted to be excited about this date, he wanted that more than anything. But he couldn't help but think of everything that could go wrong. He was handicap. And Will...he wasn't used to that. He wouldn't be used to pushing a wheelchair or being unable to dance.

It would be over almost as quick as it started.

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