There were so many things Hiccup wanted to say. Yet, he wasn't sure how to begin.

"Dad...I can explain," Hiccup scratched his neck nervously, "But there is a lot to take in,"

Stoick lifted a brow, suddenly intrigued. He sat in his chair, eagerly listening to what tales Hiccup has yet to share.

Hiccup glanced around his surroundings.

In truth, it felt good to be back on Berk. It hadn't really changed much, especially his house.

The distinct smell of smoke and earth combined when he entered reminded him of memories growing up here.

They remind him he was still a Berkian, albeit residing in Edon now.

"Son, tell me what happened," Stoick broke Hiccup out of his thoughts, "Where did you go? I'm curious to know,"

Hesitantly, Hiccup pulled up a chair, and then met his father's gaze.

A sigh escaped from his as Hiccup prepared to explain himself.

First, Hiccup told Stoick about how he and Toothless crash landed in the Isle of Edon during a frightening storm. Soon after, they settled into the island, and met some friendly faces.

Of course, Hiccup left out the moment when he almost drowned because Toothless was after a salmon.

Who can blame him, though? The Night Fury was starving after a long journey.

Stoick wasn't convinced this Night Fury named 'Toothless' wouldn't harm Hiccup. He was a dragon; a beast that can rip a man to shreds.

Even if his son claimed Toothless to be this kind animal, still, Stoick needed evidence.

Though, he was more curious about this Isle of Edon.

"Edon. Hmm, I have never heard of such a place," Stoick stroke his beard, deep in thought.

"It's an island south of the Archipelago. A one day trip from Berk, if by dragons," Hiccup explained.

Stoick lifted a brow, "And these people...ride dragons? They thrive among dragons?" he gave an incredulous look, "Are they not afraid what these beasts can do?"

Hiccup shook his head, "No, these people have lived among dragons for centuries. They are assigned with a dragon from birth, and, well, they train and bond with them as they grow. Dad, this place is amazing. I've learnt so much about them, about their culture, about dragons. These people are Vikings, who don't kill to survive. They don't see dragons as bloodthirsty monsters. They see them as kind, intelligent-''

"Dragons and people living together?" Stoick brushed that thought aside in disbelief, "That's impossible. We all know dragons and humans cannot get along. We were at war for three-hundred years, Hiccup,"

Hiccup flinched at the seriousness in Stoick's voice.

"A dragon even killed your mother," Stoick paused, saddened by the tragic loss of his beloved wife; the woman Hiccup never knew.

Or so he thought.

Hiccup shook his head, "No, Dad. She isn't dead. I actually met her. And she's been rescuing dragons for the last seventeen years. She has a dragon sanctuary. It's amazing,"

Stoick's eyes shot wide open, "Val? She's alive? You met your mother?" he paused, frowning in disbelief, "B-but she was taken away by that dragon that night. We thought she was dead,"

"The dragon that took her is Cloudjumper, a Stormcutter," Hiccup explained, "And he didn't hurt mom. He actually bonded with her. Just like Toothless and me. Mom also lives with me in Edon. I..." he smiled at the thought of his mother, "I'm glad to have met her, Dad. She's shown me so many things about dragons,"

No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now