Chapter 5: Alpha Ass

Start from the beginning

(Blake POV):

Weiss:"You let a boy sleep with us! Especially him!!" She asked me and jabbed towards (Y/n). Who was currently moaning from the trauma he experienced.

Ruby:"Shouldn't this have been a team discussion?" She asked. I was about to answer, but Yang interrupted.

Yang:"No need. I would have just let (Y/n) join anyways." She said seductively. I rolled my eyes and spoke.

"Sorry that I didn't tell you all. I didn't because you all were tired and exhausted. Plus (Y/n) asked really late, so I let him." I explained to my friends. Then (Y/n) spoke.

(Y/n):"Big mistake on my part. I wish I was blind, couldn't smell, feel, or even hear. You know what, just take away all of my senses." He stated. Weiss then growled.

Weiss:"How dare you?! It would be a blessing to see me like this, but I don't want you to see me like this. This is a curse! You are such a perverted bastard!" She lashed out at (Y/n). He just scoffed and sat up.

(Y/n):"Blessing?! It would be a blessing to get some bleach right now. So I can blind myself." He rebutted. Weiss was about to attack (Y/n), but Ruby held her back.

Ruby:"Let's just get some clothes on, Weiss. Actually, all of us. I'm only in my pajamas." She suggested.

Weiss:"Look away or I'll gouge your eyes out!" She threatened.

(Y/n):"Please do. That would be the best thing you've ever done for me." He replied. Weiss scowled and entered the bathroom. The three of us stood and looked at (Y/n). He still sat there covering his eyes.

(Y/n):"Can someone get me some bleach. I prefer Clorox." He asked. I shook my head.

"Stop it, (Y/n). That was very rude of you." I told him. He shook his head.

(Y/n):"Tell her next time to not leave her panties on my face and walk around nude." He responded.

Ruby:"Well, you are in our room." She defended.

(Y/n):"How was I supposed to know that you all loved to look at each other naked?!" He asked in frustration. I blushed in embarrassment along with Ruby.

Yang:"I know what can clear up that vision." She asked in a flirty tone. (Y/n)'s face morphed into disgust.

(Y/n):"Please Titty queen. I've had enough of scarring today." He begged. Yang scoffed and crossed her arms.

Yang:"Your loss." She remarked. (Y/n) stood up and began to feel his way around.

(Y/n):"I need to leave this dangerous area." He stated and walked towards us. Away from the door.

Ruby:"Uhh. (Y/n)?" She asked. (Y/n) looked in the direction of Ruby.

(Y/n):"Yes, Sonic?" He asked and felt around in the air. (Y/n)'s hand then drifted towards Yang. I wanted to warn him, but Yang smirked and told us to be quiet. Ruby and I watched nervously, as (Y/n) set his hand on Yang's breasts.

Yang:"Ooh~! Found something there, (Y/n)?" She asked with a smirk. He squeezed where his hand was, and we blushed red. Even Yang did, but she didn't any anything.

(Y/n):"I swear. If this is Yang's boob, I'm cutting my hand off." He stated firmly. Yang gained a fake offended look.

Yang:"Aw! My breasts are the best." She told him. He blushed. Then he removed his hand and touched Yang's hair. Ruby squeaked in terror. Yang scowled and her eyes turned red.

Ruby:"(Y/n), run!" She warned him. (Y/n) kept touching Yang's hair. Furthermore, increasing her anger.

(Y/n):"Hmm. This feels like silk." He stated with a nod. Yang reeled back her fist and punched him directly in the crotch. (Y/n) let out a grunt and flew through our door. Completely obliterating it.

I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY ) Harem x A**hole Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now