Pewds Chapter Four

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Brooke (POV)

Inhaled sharply as my eyes jolted open, my head aching. The room was still dead cold, my blanket no where to be found. Felix was sound asleep in his hospital bed, the light turned off.

What time is it?

I patted the seat around me until I found my phone, clicking the power button to check the time. The brightness blinded me as I tried to read the numbers on my phone. My tired eyes could barely read them, but something deep down told me it was 9:43pm.

How did I let myself stay this late, I know I left a note, but Ms. Darby must be so worried. Yet, I'm still here with not text from her, meaning she trusted me to come back when I wanted to like the note said.

I'm surprised no one came in to tell me to leave, while family can stay the night, I'm sure they wouldn't want just a child staying alone with a hurt or sick family member.

As much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't ignore the chills that ran down my spine. It was cold before but it was deathly cold now and my heart has been racing since the dream with Ruby.

It felt so real, I hated it.

I had to leave, although I still have nightmares at the orphanage, it's nothing like the one I just had.

I walked over to Felix and gave his good hand and soft squeeze, then I shoved my phone in my jacket pocket and walked out of the room. The hospital was pretty dead, but definitely warmer than Felix's room.

As I walked down the calm hallways, a nurse or doctor passing me every once in awhile, my mind began to drift.

Is this some messed up way my mind is grieving? Are these dreams just my mind replacing the whole Ruby left in my heart? Maybe I just can't handle or accept the fact she's gone?

I ran my hand threw my hair, my fingernails gently scraping my scalp as I tried to calm myself. I feel like I'm going insane, like my mind can't accept the changes, like it's altering my reality because of it.

The chill of the office suddenly left as I opened the exit doors, the frigid wind from outside replacing it. The streets were empty besides the cars driving past now and then, the street lights and the moon allowing me to see.

It's only a few minute walk back to the orphanage, you're fine. Nothing can happen that you haven't already been through or seen.

I couldn't help but shudder at that thought. I've really had one hell of a life. Dumped into a orphanage, befriended my sister without even knowing it, adopted by one of my idols, being the happiest I've ever been, being kidnapped by my mom, watching my sister die, almost losing my new parents, and being the saddest I've ever been...

Any normal person wouldn't see much left worth living for, but how can I give up knowing that Marzia is still fighting for her life and Felix is awake after he fought for his.

Or maybe it's the insanity keeping me going. No, I'm fine. Your sister is dead and your parents suffering, how else would your mind react.

I could feel my fists tightening up, my pace picking up. "What left do you have to take Lana!"

My breathe fogged up in front of me as I yelled out to no where, my feet stopping dead in they're tracks. I could feel my blood boiling, thinking about her out of prison.

"You've taken everything! Everything, you hear me! All you can do now is kill me, but you won't do that, so why couldn't you just stay in your god damn cell!"

I felt my knees hit the ground, my body collapsing as tears spilled down my cheeks. My vision blurred with tears, the lights looking like nothing more than glowing orbs. The orphanage was so close but my emotions finally flooded over me, all my work to keep them inside down the drain.

Why'd you leave me Ruby, we had so much to live for.

"Why!" I screamed.

Anger, sadness, bitterness? I didn't know what the emotions were that I were feeling but it was too much. Too much to hide, to much to keep in.

Red hot rage burned deep inside me, pleading for revenge, but I knew I'd never stoop to such an evil level. Plus, what could I even do.

I could hear the faint sound of the glass doors on the orphanage swinging open, heels clicking towards me in a sprint. I knew it was Ms. Darby, but she was blurry in my tears eyes and my ears rang from the crying and yelling.

"I'm right here," she cooed, picking me up in her arms. I could barely hear her voice, but I still knew it wasn't her's to begin with. "I'm here, I didn't leave you, I'd never leave you."

I laid my head on her shoulder, now wet from my tears as I looked up towards her face. It was Ms. Darby's face alright, but no matter what she said, I heard Ruby's voice.

I'm here. I'd never leave you. I'm here, I'm right here. I swear I'll always be by your side.


"I said NO!" I snapped, slamming my fist into the back board of the bed.

I knew there was a problem since Ms. Darby stared at me blankly, not even fazed by the sudden outburst. "I think you have forgotten you aren't in charge here, I know I'm lenient with you, but this is going too far! I won't let this happen to you."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, sending her a challenging gaze as I stayed out on my bed.

"The others are worried about you, kids and adults," She said, a stern look in her eyes, "and I know you believe you're fine and I just think you're stubborn, but I can't stop Ms. Hadie if she thinks you need real help."

The truth was, I probably did need help. I'm not capable of coping with everything one my own, but what can a therapist do. They'll just bring back the memories by asking about them.

"You haven't left this room for a week. Sulking and doing whatever you want! I suggest you do something about it or else Ms. Hadie will start making decisions."

With that, she walked out the room, the door softly closing behind her.

I am fully aware that sulking and being alone won't help anything, it just reminds me that this loneliness could become permanent if something goes wrong with Marzia and Felix, but everywhere I go I see Ruby.

She won't leave my head. In dreams I see her and in real life I hear her voice. It's like my mind is gripping into sentences other people say and hearing Ruby, so I don't have to let go.

At this point Lana doesn't even worry me. She's out there somewhere, doing god knows what, but at least it doesn't involve me.

If you can't beat it, don't fight it I guess

Pulling out my phone, I click YouTube and plug in my headphones, searching for a familiar channel. Laying my head back, I click on a video, Ruby's real voice in my ears.

I'm going to go insane at this rate...

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