Pewds Chapter Six

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Brooke (POV)

All I could see was red. Countless emotions were spiraling inside me, anger, confusion, sadness, fear, all hitting me at once. My blood boiling, a hot rage washing over me. It was like I wasn't in control of my emotions, the only thought of my brain being revenge. Her hat dropped out of my hand, flexing my finger so they wouldn't curl into a tight fist.

As much as I tried to calm down, we were all alone, not a person near us in this section of the store. She clearly picked a shop she wouldn't be noticed.

Her hand slid across the floor, trying to grab her hat before making a break for it. Without hesitation I felt my foot slam down onto her head, a soft cry escaping her mouth as her fingers broke, but I didn't hear or feel them crack. My anger clouding my senses.

"You think you can just ran away from the consequences of your crimes and live a normal life," I spat, the spite in my voice like nothing I'd ever heard before. I couldn't help but fear my own words.

My jaw clenched, expecting a reply, but she just kept staring with a now blank expression. My hand grabbed the front of her shirt, gripping it tightly as I yanked her closer to me, pushing my foot harder onto her hand.

Stop this, you're not insane or revenge driven. Call the cops, let them arrest her again.

Deep down I could feel myself resisting, reasoning with myself, but I was no longer listening to reason. I used to be the voice of reason for Ruby, she was always ready to burst into flames and I'd be there to cool her down. Ruby isn't here now though, and the person who caused that is on the floor below me...

Just staring.

She's bigger than me, why hasn't be tried to shove me off her hand, hit me, anything? Why is she just sitting there...

I shouldn't be complaining, all this pent up emotion is finally leaving me.

"I thought you were smart enough to skip town after escaping, but you are just as stupid and you are crazy!" I spat, her face remaining unfazed.

"You have no right to judge, you're trapped in your own head, you're practically just as crazy and you know it!"

As much as I wanted to fight her words, I knew it was true. Everything has been so fuzzy lately, voices wrong, hearing Ruby, seeing Ruby.

She knows nothing about me, I haven't seen her since she was arrested. She's trying to get in my head.

My whole body felt like I was shaking uncontrollably, but I was still, not moving a muscle. It felt like my heart was racing, beating faster by the seconds, but my heart was still steadily beating.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me." Before I could process the words flying out of my mouth, I felt my hand shoot out at her, trying to push her down before it stopped midair.

She caught my hand!

Despite all the pressure I had in my foot, I felt her rip her hand out from underneath my foot, tightening her grip on my wrist as she stood up. Within seconds it went from me towering over her, to her standing tall above me.

"That was a big mistake, but it's okay," Lana cooed, "It'll be okay." Her voice morphing into Ruby's.

All the rage I felt had sunk deep down, fear rising in me as I stared into the eyes of this mad women, my brain hearing her words in her victim's voice.

"I won't let you die," Ruby's voice continued. A calming sensation began to form, but it disappeared as Lana's voice went back to normal, "you'll just wish you were dead."

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