Pewds Chapter Seven

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Ruby (POV)

As I looked into Brooke's wide eyes, staring at me from the hospital bed, all I saw was emptiness.
"Hell no, get away from me demon, ghost, whatever you are! I've had enough of you tormenting my dreams!" Brooke yelled, flinging her arms at me in an attempt to push me away.
     "Woah, woah, stop! Calm down, what are you talking ab-" before I could even finish my sentence, Brooke's hand slams into my face, a loud slapping sound echoing in the room. My cheek felt hot and tingled, but I was mostly shocked at her outburst. I didn't know what to expect when I saw Brooke's eyes begin to open for the first time in months, but this anger definitely wasn't on the list.
     "Wake up, wake up, wake up," Brooke muttered to herself as she closed her eyes and attempted to go back to sleep.
     This is too much, there is no way she thinks she's dreaming this. Maybe she has slight amnesia and can't remember what happened before she slipped into her coma? Either way, Felix and Marzia need to get back her with the doctor quick.
     "Brooke, stop acting like a fool! There is so much I want to tell you about what happened while you were gone, but you're acting crazy," I said, rolling my eyes. I grabbed one of her arms, and her muttering instantly stopped as she yanked herself away from me, fear in her eyes.
     "I swear to God if you touch me again you dead creep, I'll freak out!" She yelled, before going back to her muttering. "Must wake up... or Lana's gonna kill me... dead like Ruby."
     Dead? She's really gone off the rockers. I slowly stepped away from her, almost knocking into Felix as him, Marzia, and the doctor walk through the door.
     "Is she-" Felix gasped, looking at Brooke angering move around in her bed trying to 'wake up'.
     "She's awake but something is wrong..." I said, slightly creeped out. What could possibly be going on inside her head?

Brooke (POV)

     Everything is so hyper realistic, I can't tell the difference between dreams and real life. I have been seeing Ruby so often, but she looks, feels, and sounds so real this time. And now, Felix and Marzia, not a scratch on them, were standing in front of me.
     "Is this not a dream?" I muttered, looking between the three of them. "Y-you're all alive, and in perfect condition..."
     "She probably doesn't remember what happened before the coma. It's not uncommon to have slight amnesia due to the trauma to the head," The doctor claimed, walking over to her computer.
     "No I remember! We were kidnapped by Lana, and Felix and the cops came to save us and-" I choked. The vivid memory of blood seeping out of Ruby's gunshot wound, the sound of her corpse hitting the ground was still imprinted in my brain. Yet, somehow, Ruby was standing right next to me.
     "And-and you were shot. I watched you die! Then I almost lost you guys too. I had to go back, I was alone, and then Lana she-"
     "Woah calm down, what are you taking about," Ruby asked, cutting me off. "Felix brought to police to save us, but I don't know anything about those other things your talking about."
     "I think I know what's happening," the doctor chimed in. "When you're asleep for that long, dreams become your reality, and when the patient wakes up, sometimes it hard for them to remember what was a dream and what was reality."
     I could practically feel my heart stop. It wasn't real? Ruby was never shot, Felix and Marzia never got in a car wreck, Lana never escaped, and everything I suffered through was a dream?
    "Then... what actually happened? How did I end up like this??"
"You were right about one thing, I did get shot, but he only hit me in my shoulder," Ruby said, pulling her shirt to reveal a circular scar on her left shoulder. "With all the commotion for me being shot, Lana knocked you out with the butt of her gun and tried to make a run for it through another door located in the basement. She didn't make it very far though."
"We think that the combination of the hit to the head and the trauma of seeing Ruby shot, in your mind fatally, caused you to go into your coma." The doctor said.
It felt like my head was spinning. Now that I look back, all the things that didn't quite make sense and the fuzzy image of Ruby seemed like a dream, but it was still hard to separate what I dreamt up and what I actually experienced.
"And omg, Brooke, you've missed so much in these past three months! Felix is no longer the biggest YouTuber, this company T-Series surpassed him." Ruby chuckled, as Felix playfully rolled his eyes. "He's made two songs about it too, and they're surprisingly good."
     "Hey! What do you mean surprisingly," Felix laughed. "I'm great at everything, I've got big brain."
     "And he plays Minecraft now! He was so bad at it, but I helped him a lot."
     How did so much happen in so little time? I know T-Series was growing fast before everything with Lana happened, but they weren't even close to Felix yet.
     "He's also hit one hundred million subscribers! The YouTube Play button he got for it was kinda lame though, not gonna lie."
     So much information was being thrown at me, but all I could focus on was Ruby's smile. I was so sure she was gone. I was grieving form her death, and all along, I was the one who wasn't there.
     Is that why I could still hear her voice? Could I hear when she'd talk to me while I was asleep. I had more questions than answers, but I didn't care. Felix, Marzia, and Ruby were standing in front of me, healthy and alive.
    "I'm glad y'all have had a little bit to talk and jog her memory, but we do need to run some tests if she wants to be released," the Doctor said, standing up from her chair. "If everything goes smoothly, she can leave as early as tonight."
"I can't wait for you to come back home, we got a new dog too, and for hilarious reasons, we named him Sven!" Ruby smiled before leaving the room with Felix and Marzia, leaving me alone with the doctor.
     I wanted to feel excited but my I felt like my brain has been thrown into a washing machine, spinning round and round and round. It felt so real. Watching the life drain out of Ruby's eyes as the bullet went through her. How can trauma cause such vivid dreams. The pain I felt grieving over Ruby. It felt so long, but it's only been three weeks.
     "We're just going to run some tests, I'll try to have you out of here today, but that's only if things go smoothly," the doctor said, interrupting my thoughts.
     I took a deep breath and tried to relax, but if anything, I feel like right now I'm dreaming. My touch with reality feels like it's simply slipped away...

A/N: sorry for any spelling errors. I planned on getting this out sooner, but I got uninspired and then suddenly got inspired at 3am aka now, so I haven't proof read it yet. Hope y'all enjoy

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