Pewds Chapter Two

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Brooke (POV)

With the T.v now off, the bedroom was completely dark, except for the sliver of moonlight shining through the window.

My eyes were burning and my eyelids felt like weights from the lack of sleep, but this weird feeling that I couldn't explain kept me up.

Ms. Darby had assured me that I was safe, Lana has no idea that Felix and Marzia are hurt and that I'm here, but it's like this horrible feeling is haunting me.

It's like, if I go to sleep, when I open them I'll be back in her basement. Back to that nightmare of a place, where surly death would await.

If only Ruby was here, she wouldn't have a sliver of fear in here. If only I had that trait...

I started thinking about her, about how different everything has been without her here. I never realized how dull life is without her.

With Ruby I was so optimistic, now I'm more of the 'glass half empty kinda person'.
Actually, scratch that.

I prefer 'the glass is just empty!'

Deep in thought I hadn't even realized that I had closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep while picturing Ruby in my head.

As my mind went into deep sleep, I felt a breeze brush against my skin, sending me into shivers.

I opened my eyes and let out a breath. I was shocked when I could see it in the air. Why was it this cold?

Suddenly the sliver of moonlight turned into a wave of it as the curtains flew open and the window snaps open.

At first my irrational fear of Lana coming to get me came back, causing me to jump out of my bed, but instead a small ball of light floated through.

"W-what is th-that?" I said to myself, teeth now chattering.

"I know what you're thinking and you're safe from Lana, for now..."

I stared in shock as a voice came from the light source. "I would know, I've been watching you from above." It spoke again.

I backed up against the wall, cowering in fear when finally I realized what was going on.

I was asleep and this ain't real...

Suddenly I didn't feel scared, instead powerful. If this was my dream, I could control it.

"What are you? What are you talking about?!" I snapped, stepping closer to the ball of light.

I didn't know why I was dreaming about this, but I wanted answers.

"I was hoping I didn't need to do this, it's very difficult, but you were always such a stubborn one Brooke." It said.

I opened my mouth to object but soon, the room was flooded with a blinding bright light, cause Brooke to seal her eyes shut.

As the light dimmed, Brooke opened her mouth to snap, but was quickly shut up when she saw what stood before her.


At least it looked like Ruby, for the most part. It's facial features and body type looked like Ruby's, but her skin, eyes, mouth, and hair were now all pure white and glowing.

"Th-this is u-unbelievable!" I mumbled.

If only it was real...

"You're right, your dream isn't real, but I am" Ruby spoke.

"H-how did you know I was thinking that!" I stuttered, fear coming back to me. "Look, you're going to wake up soon, so I don't have time for this!" Ruby groaned.

This is definitely Ruby...

At this point all I wanted to do was wake up, seeing this figment of Ruby in my head hurt. It's almost like I have her with me again, but once I wake up she'll be gone again.

Ruby continued to talk. "What I wanted to tell you was-"

"I wish you were here for Marzia and Felix." I said cutting her off, pretending like she was real and actually listening. "They could sue your optimism."

Ruby cut back in. "I know, I know, but that's not why I'm here. I wanted to say-"

Sadly I didn't want to hear her talk, I needed to get what I needed to say off of my chest.

"You have no idea how hard it's been with you gone, but don't worry. I'll do everything in my power to make sure Lana is back in jail and she'll pay for what she-"

"Forget about me!!" Ruby snapped, causing my fave to pale.


She sighed, before looking at me with sorrow in her eyes. "Please, I don't want you to end up hurt or dead like me. Forget about me, forget about Lana, but focus on the family you have left. You've already lost your real family, don't lose them too. I'm dead and Lana is insane. Please, please don't mention a word about Lana anymore, or you might as well write your will now..."

I was truly startled by the words coming out of her mouth, it caused tears to well up in my eyes.

Who the hell does she think she is...

"I can't just forget you! How dare you tell me to just forget!" I screamed, causing her sad eyes to turn cold.

"I'm trying to do what's best for you!" She retaliated.

"You don't know what's best for me, I do and I want to wake up!" I snapped.

She furrowed her eyebrows in anger, "If you won't do it willingly, I'll do it myself"

I backed up against the wall as she inches closer, extending her arm and pointing out two fingers.

Right before her fingers came in contact with my forehead, I felt a rush of energy surge through me as my eyes jolted open.

"Ruby!" I wheezed, my throat dry from sleeping with my mouth open.

I quickly slammed my hands on the night stand, fumbling my phone in my hands until I finally pressed the home button and saw the time.


I was up earlier then anyone...

Without hesitation and grabbed a scrap of paper on the ground an began writing on it, leaving it on my bed.

I slipped on some sandals, grabbed a jacket, and bolted out the bedroom door.

I don't care what you think right now Ruby, you aren't here anymore. I need to make my own decisions...

(A/N: I actually had a great time writing that! Once again, please put comments down below if you like this story, it'll help me continue it. It helps me write it if I know y'all still like it, so please comment. Also if you have any ideas or critiques comment those too! If I like your idea I'll give you a shoutout when used and if I like your critique I'll fix it! Thanks, bye."

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