Chapter 27: Battle for Luxia: Part 2

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Jacquelyn's head shot up at the word, her eyes going straight to the young boy standing in a tree not too far from her.

The thirteen-year-old wanted to fight, but everyone believed he was too young to face the dangers of a battle. Jacquelyn, wanting to give him a chance, told him he could watch out for the signal from Henry. The newly teen took it seriously, finding the tallest tree around and perching himself on it, looking in the direction of the forest. He didn't move once.

But he was moving now, waving his hands wildly at Jacquelyn and the others.

"I see fire!"

The once quiet group erupted in movements and shouts, everyone getting to their spots.

Jacquelyn nodded at the teen and he smiled back, happy to have done his very important job well. She ran across the grass, passed some knights and luxians. Until she got to where she needed to be.

In front of her, held up by wooden beams, were two boats. They looked much like the ones the guardians used to get away from the warriors, but they were bigger, complete with sails.

She sucked in a deep was time.

She walked up to the side of the boat closest to her and was helped in by one of the knights. Once inside, she quickly made her way to the front of the boat. She looked over to her right, to the other boat. She easily saw Prince Asher standing there. He nodded at her in encouragement, and she sent one back in thanks.

"Is everyone ready?" she asked loudly so that those on the other boat could hear her as well

There was a loud response of "Ready!"

"Let's do this" she whispered to herself

Her hands went down to her sides as she closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath before slowly exhaling.

"Concentrate," she told herself

Zoricus had heard of what his granddaughter had done to get away from the shadow warriors and told her that she could make more than just one small fishing boat fly. He took some time with her, teaching her a few of his techniques. There was a lot more that she needed to learn, but it all couldn't be done overnight.

The blonde kept her eyes closed and the air around her grew silent. She was told that moving two large boats would take more concentration and she was afraid. But her grandfather ensured her that she could do it

Soon the boats began to shake, and the people on board held on tightly to the vessel and each other to keep balance. They then began to lift off the beams and float into the air.

Jacquelyn opened her eyes and smiled, she was doing it. She kept her concentration but her eyes were now open. The boats got higher and higher, and their occupants no longer needed to hold on to each other for support.

Soon the vessels were high over the trees, and the people left on the ground didn't really look like people anymore. The boats then began to move forward, per Jacquelyn's request.

As the minutes passed, they glided over the trees on the wind, Jaquelyn realizing that controlling the two large boats became easier, just like her grandfather had told her. It didn't take long for Jaquelyn and her crew to spot the open field ahead. She turned to Prince Asher in the other boat and sent him a nod, it was time to get ready.

She closed her eyes in concentration again. Now for her next challenging, casting an invisibility spell while keeping the boat afloat. It turned out to be easier than she thought. The next time she opened her eyes, everything looked the same, except for the white glow they all gave off. That was how invisibility worked, they could all see each other but the people on the outside couldn't see them.

She then turned around, looking at the knights and the eager citizens who had volunteered to fight.

"Get your bows ready," she instructed "We're approaching"

Instantly they shuffled around, grabbing their bows and quivers filled with arrows. Other pulled out their metal crossbows. By the time everyone was prepped, they came upon the open field, and the fight below them could be heard.

Jacquelyn peeked over the edge of the boat, looking at the battle below her. The boats had lowered a bit, and the people and activities below her weren't difficult to see. It seemed that they had come just in time, her fellow guardians looked like they were having their butts handed to them by the shadow warriors.

She looked over at the edge of the forest and smiled at the sight of the warriors lined up there, waiting. Everything was going to plan. They knew Henry's signal wouldn't go unnoticed, and that Caine would expect another troop of fighters...from the forest. They were sure the old guardian wouldn't expect an aerial attack and would be surprised when arrows started raining down from the sky.

Jacquelyn spread the two boat apart, wanting a wider range of attack. She then looked back at the people in the boat with her.

"Ready?" she asked

They all nodded, some of them surprised that they were about to take orders from a sixteen-year-old girl. They made their way to the edge of the boat and positioned themselves and weapons. Jacquelyn looked over the edge of the boat again, waiting for the signal.

On the ground, Caine looked at the Luxians confused. They had all taken a knee and covered their heads with their shields. Those who didn't have shields quickly found themselves next to a knight under his, or under a giant one the new Sun Queen had conjured up out of thin air. What was going on? Was something about to fall on them? Were they surrendering? As much as he wished for the latter, he knew that wasn't the case. He saw Morgaine look up and decided to do the same, but he saw nothing. What was she looking at? He looked back at her and saw her wave her hands as if giving a signal.

He knew what that meant.

"Be ready. They're coming" he yelled to the warriors at the edge of the forest, hoping they had heard him

He was going to be ready for their attack.

Once Jaquelyn saw it, she looked raised her arm over her head, and the fighters in the two boats quickly took their places on the edge of the boat. She raised a finger, then another. The fighters set their arrows and crossbows in attack mode, waiting for the call.

"Fire!" she said as she held the third finger up

In an instant, arrows left the boat above and headed straight down to the people below.

Caine's eyes were pulled from the thick trees of the forest when the warrior in front of him fell to the ground. Its body quickly turned into ash, and what was left was an arrow lying on the ground. He had no time to question the appearance of the object when the same happened to some more warriors around him.

He looked up, towards the whooshing sound of arrows moving through the air. He watched as an arrow appeared out of thin air and headed their way. He copied the Sun Queen's trick and created a shield of his own.

What was happening? Where were these arrows coming from? He didn't know. What he did know, as he watched warrior after warrior fall and turn into ash, was that he needed more warriors.

Soon enough, more emerged from the depths and made their way towards the covered guardians and the luxians. Caine lost his advantage of numbers as most of his warriors fell before they could get to one of his enemies. Those that managed to not get pierced by an arrow easily died at the hands of one of the luxians.

He continued to summon more warriors, hoping to once again get the upper hand. But he knew if he had to win this battle, he would have to come up with a better plan.

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