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I was still in a daze about that dream when Eijiro knocked on my door.

'Shit I don't know if I'm ready to look at him god damn it,' I say in my head, trying to make my face less red from sheer willpower alone. I eventually crawl out of bed, falling onto the floor.

"Damn it," I say, standing up and shuffling over to the door. I pause, one centimetre from turning the doorknob, feeling a sudden panic attack.

'(Y/N), it'll be fine. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine,' I think, placing my hand on the knob and twisting it open. Eijiro was standing before me, grinning and holding something behind his back.


Trying to control the enormous blush creeping across my face, Eijiro laughs.

"Are you alright? Am I really just that handsome?" he teases, snapping me back to reality. I move out of the way, allowing him to enter the apartment and closing the door behind him. He was walking backwards, making sure I didn't see whatever he was holding. I caught a glimpse, however. It was a large box with holes punched in the top.

"Shut up," I scold. He chuckles, then commands me to sit on the couch with my eyes closed. I do as he says, crossing my arms. I hear him put the box down and something scrabbling around inside. Even with my eyes shut, I could tell he was taking something out.

"Open up," he says.

"It all started when I was at a daycare," I joke, managing to keep a straight face. He chuckles, then shifts his feet a little.

"You know what I mean," he says, and I grin. Opening my eyes, my jaw drops when I see literally the cutest puppy I have ever laid my eyes upon. Eijiro steps forwards, placing the little dog on my lap. It was asleep, breathing softly.

"Did you buy me a fucking dog."


"You're my favourite human."

"I know."

I wanted to kiss him so badly but I couldn't move because of the little fur ball lying on my lap. Noticing my expression, he chuckles and leans forwards, gently pressing his lips against mine. During the contact, I throw my arms around him, careful not to bump the puppy. He chuckles again, his warm breath washing over my face.

"Your breath stinks."

He breaks away, feigning sadness, and I laugh. At the sudden noise, the puppy in my lap wakes up, stretching its little paws.

"She's a female husky. She doesn't have a name yet, so you get to decide."

The little puppy blinked at me, big blue eyes staring, and stood up, moving over to lay the couch instead of my legs.

"Joy," I decide, watching the little puppy's ears prick up at the sound of my voice. She flopped sideways, closing her eyes again. Now that she was off me, I leapt up and threw my arms around Eijiro.

"You are literally the best!" I cry, holding him tightly and burying my face in his chest. He laughs, placing one hand in his pocket and the other on top of my head.

"Aww, stop it!"

I stop, grinning as I let go.

"Keep going!" he cries, pretending to be upset. I laugh, hugging him again. Joy rolled over, soundly asleep again. Still giggling, I gently pick her up and lay her on a pillow on the floor. Feeling happy, I quickly kiss Eijiro again and lay out some food that Eijiro bought for Joy. She'll have enough for the whole day, and I lay out some water as well. Grabbing my uniform, I throw it on and bolt out the door, realising how much time we had wasted. Eijiro grabs his bag and runs after me, and we run all the way to school, laughing the entire time.

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