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When I wake up, I was extremely confused as to why I was so warm. I usually wake up cold, having kicked off my covers during the night due to restless sleep. But this morning, I felt perfectly energetic, warm, and well rested. Then I noticed the arms around me, holding me to a sleeping boy's chest.

'Oh yeah,' I say in my head, remembering last night as I quietly slip out of his arms. I stand beside him for a few seconds before running my hand through his still spiky hair and kissing his temple. It then occured to me that I had never seen him with his hair down. Brushing it off, I exit the room with a bundle of clothes that had survived the ransacking of my apartment and lock the bathroom door behind me, quickly changing.

I grab a few notes of money and write out a note for Eijiro to read when he wakes up.

I'm going out for a while, most likely to the mall. I'll be back in a few hours. - (Y/N)

Feeling a bit guilty but knowing that if I don't do at least something on my own, I'll slowly go crazy, I put on my shoes and leave the house.

~ (At The Mall) ~

I spent about an hour walking around aimlessly, searching for something to do or buy. So far, nothing had caught my eye. People around me were muttering to eachother and children were poitning at my face, tugging on their mothers skirts and asking why I wore a white bandage around the left side of my face. They were quickly shushed, or pulled away. I blocked out their voices and focused on finding a point of interest until I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me...?" a young woman asked as I turn around, "What's the bandage for?"

I pause for a few seconds, sighing internally.

"I don't really want to talk about it-" I start, then glance at someone else approaching over her shoulder.

I scramble backwards, my instincts screaming danger, into another man who had approached from behind. His arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Excuse me, miss, I believe you're bothering my girlfriend," he says, keeping his hold on me and secretly pressing something sharp and metallic against my back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll go now," the woman says, lowering her head and walking away briskly. Before I can cry out, I'm dragged between the shops and into the same damn alleyway I hid from the news crew with Denki an eternity ago.

"Your father is very upset," the man growls, forcing me against a wall and tying a cloth around my mouth. I try to say something but it's muffled and incomprehensible.

'You know what? I'm never going anywhere alone ever again,' I mutter in my head, preparing to use my Quirk like I had last time. A weak flash of light is all I get before it sputters and dies out.

"You think that's going to work a second time? We've watched you for a while, and we know your tricks. Don't think you can-" the man says, laughing, before being blown off his feet by an explosion. My eye widens as Bakugou rounds on the second man, punching him square in the face before turning to me, his eyes burning.

"You're fucking useless. If you train more, I wouldn't have to keep saving your ass!" he roars, standing over the fallen men that had crumpled to the ground. I straighten up, untying the gag myself before he can try to.

"I was'nt being useless. I was finding a way out," I say, glaring at him. To my utter surprise, he doesn't glare back or scowl or do anything of the like. Instead, he steps forwards and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Don't go scaring me like that. One time is enough," he mutters, drawing back. My eye widens as I see him frowning, not in anger, but in worry. Bakugou. Worried. About me. I recover quickly, knowing that if he saw my surprise it would hurt his pride.

"Thanks for saving me again, Bakugou. I'll be more careful from now on," I say, moving to walk away but stopping as he grabs my wrist, not bothering to look at me. I glance from his hand to his face, trying to figure out what the hell was going on and who this boy was that had replaced Bakugou.

"... Katsuki."


"Call me Katsuki."

With that, he lets go, walking past me with his hands stuffed deep in his pockets and his usual scowl on his face. I was in utter confusion now, staring after him long after he left my sight. One of the men below me groans and I jump back to reality, fleeing the alleyway and the entire mall altogether. I run back to Eijiro's house, opening the door just as he was unfolding my note.

"Ah, there you are. I was a bit worried when you weren't in the house," he said, smiling and putting the note down.

"How long ago did you wake up?" I ask, taking off my shoes and pretending I didn't just run the whole way.

"About twenty minutes," he replies, hugging me quickly before walking to the kitchen. I followed him, drawn by the smells that flowed out the door in a few minutes. Whatever he was cooking, it smelled delicious.

(Lol 911 words)

Trust Me (Eijiro Kirishima X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant