Chapter 21

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Gemma had tried to tease and embarrass Harry in front of me innumerable amount of times right before dinner but Harry dismissed her every time.  He would interrupt her with a question or a random outburst and she’d always end up laughing while Harry’s cheeks would turn red.

It made me laugh which only caused him to become more embarrassed.

Anne smiles warmly as she places a plate in front of me.  Her eyes are soft and gentle; reminding me of the eyes Harry must have inherited from her.

“How was everyone’s day today?” Anne asks over the news softly playing in the background.  It creates a soft atmosphere where I can feel relaxed for once.

“Mine was amazing,” Gemma says.  “People at work today didn’t give me any trouble, for once.  I think it’s the first time in a long time.”

Gemma continues to tell us about her job at the mall.  She smiles every so often as she tells us a story about a little boy and his mom.  Little crinkles form at her eyes as they twinkle and dance with each memory shared.

The similarities between Harry and his sister are quite evident in many aspects.  The way they separate the food on the plate in order to keep everything from touching, the way in which they laugh.  It’s all the same.  Not to mention the physical features as well—same nose shape, eye shape, face shape.  And although they look very similar, there’s still an abstract distinction between the two.

 “And, Michelle?  How was yours?” Anne asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I look up at Anne and my stomach instantly does a few flips.  My day is confusing.  On one hand, I’m happy because I get to share it with Harry and his family.  His house is welcoming and everyone is so kind and caring.  However, my new face and name are slowly pulling me down.  I’m feeling rather ambivalent towards this day and it’s not something I’d rather share with someone other than Harry.  He’s the only one that would truly understand why I’m feeling this way.  I glance at Harry who’s keeping his gaze shifted downward onto his plate as if something other than food were there.

Do his parents know about the gang?

“It was good,” I lie.  “I like my new hair.”

I offer a small smile in Anne’s direction and she sits up straighter with a delighted look on her face.

“I’m so glad,” she says.

I can feel Anne and Robin’s gaze fixed on me, observing my every move.  Their eyes flicker between me and Harry and I suddenly feel very self-conscious of my eating.  I slow down, worried that I may be eating too fast.

Gemma continues talking about her day while I try not to notice the attention I’m getting from Anne.  I don’t she realizes that I can see her looking at me.  I think she’s trying to do it secretly and if that’s the case, she would never be able to be a spy.

Did I do something weird?  Am I chewing too loudly?  Do I have something on my face?

I wipe my mouth on the napkin, subconsciously.

 “Harry, how’s your internship going?” Anne asks, finally tearing her eyes away from me.


“It’s going very well.  They pay me a decent amount of money and I enjoy it,” he says as he shovels more food into his mouth.  He keeps his head low, not making eye contact with anyone at the table.

“What company is it again?”

“Michelson Corp,” he answers immediately, almost a little too fast.

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