Kneeling on his knees and bending forwards, using his hands to support him the knight was panting heavily. They were finally in the forest. Jenn helped the knight take off his helmet .Taking off the helmet , she saw a man not much older than her with chocolate brown hair,  short and mattered and eyes as green as the freshly cut grass in the fields of Cornwall.

“Thank you my lady “ he smiled weakly. She helped him lie down on the soft grass.

“Please stop calling me lady” She insisted taking a closer look at the arrow in his back.

“..how…should…I call you then…lady” the knight asked, whimpering in pain as the touched the arrow.

“Call me Jenn” Jenn stated simply “What’s yours?

“Jenn” the knight repeated “ is that a nickname of some sort ?”

“Just another way to say…” she thought for a minute, what did he call her? “ Guinevere” she added

“ I’m Brennus” the knight introduced “ Brennus of the Mount” he added . He coughed again, more heavily this time. “you…eh..need to ..take out the arrow..please…lady..”

“I…don’t know…how to…” Jenn admitted. She starred puzzled at the arrow

“…break..The end of first…but ..don’t pull it…just the end..” Brennus explained “and give me something to bite” he added pointing to the gloves that he had removed earlier. Jenn bit her lip and obeyed.  Brennus jerked in pain as she broke off the end of arrow.

“…good…now…we need…to…remove…my armour…” Brennus looked weak. He blinked several times, trying to stay conscious. He tried to lift himself up to a sitting position. Jenn, realising how weak he was lifted him up and although not really having much clue about armour, to her own surprise was able to remove it pretty quickly. She lay him down gently again.

“now…get a knife from one of my boots…then…cut where the arrow is…wide enough for the tip…to eh..get out…that is …how you…will…remove..it” Jenn tried to be quick as possible. Just then she realised , how would she treat the wound thereafter? What if it gets infected…or worse…? She thought hard for a moment…think biology…think biology…think biology…yes ! She remembered reading about a herb that can be found in the forests…used to treat wounds…

“ Brennus I need a herb to put on your wound after. I don’t want to cut it before I find it.”

“What herb?” Brennus asked confused

Jenn looked around panicky. Thank you God she could see it ! She blinked. She actually saw the herb in the distance.

“Over there. I see it !” Jenn sprinted to get the herb. She ripped the end of  her dress as well while she was there, she needed bandages after all. She ran up to Brennus and knelt down.

“Ok here I go” She said, getting the knife. Good think that she was ok with blood, otherwise this would have been slightly problematic. She cut Brennus skin carefully, trying not to cause too much pain, wide enough to remove the arrow. She started pulling it slowly trying to be careful

“Ah..stop..stop..” Brennus whispered weakly “don’t…don’t it..this slow..just…do …one quick pull…and get it out…less painful will be..” he closed his eyes.  Jenn gritted her teeth nervously and taking a deep breath pulled out the edge of the arrow. It was a bit of a blur to her, now she was looking at the bloody end of the arrow. She had to recover quickly though. She got the herbs and quickly placed them on Brennus’ back and bandaged him up, taking care not to cause him too much discomfort.

Brennus opened his eyes.

“Thank you for not leaving me my lady “ Brennus thanked, smiling slightly. Jenn smiled back, not really sure about what to do next. “It would have been easier for you to go on without me” Brennus added

“Well, it was you who really saved me. I would have probably been…” she looked around “..not here..”

“You should light a fire my lady. Scare the animals away” Brennus explained

“Is there a stream anywhere?” Jenn asked, thinking that they would probably need water as she did not know how long they would be staying in this forest for.

“Not far….that end” Brennus pointed further into the forest. “ A little stream…fresh water…”

“I will go collect some then…” Jenn got up

“But we…ah…have..no containers on us lady” Brennus pointed out.


“Have a look through my stuff…might be something you can use…” Brennus added after thinking for a minute. Jenn rummaged through his stuff for what seemed like ages. She finally found  something of use. Sure it was not a container but it will do.

“ I will collect water then…” she stated  “Will..eh..you be ok?” she asked not really sure if she should leave him

“Go my lady. I will be fine. It will not take long”


After collecting some water from the stream and helping Brennus drink it Jenn sat down on the ground exhausted. She had to figure out what they were going to do

“We should…stay here till next morning at least…then search back in Lyonesse. Maybe those barbarians would have left then” Brennus informed Jenn “I think I will be able to get up tomorrow…and get you to the elder..”

“But I eh…”

“No milady. You saved me, now I will get you to your father, even if it cost me my life”

Her father ? Lyonesse? What

“Rest milady…I will be fine” Jenn lay down worried. “Nap” he commanded her. Jenn lay down to rest. She needed it now.

Okay  guys tell me how im doing:) I think I rushed the ending a little bit but hopefully its still ok :) Please review !!

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