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"Your Dad's pretty heated." Happy said, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I was laying across the backseat, Peter's suit in my hands.

"I know, but I had to do it," I said, looking at the spider on Peter's suit. I placed it against my nose and inhaled his scent. It was the same cedar wood and linen, and I was finally able to place the smell I couldn't earlier- it smelled like the air right before it rains. Probably from always swinging around.

"Hey, he's okay. He's a tough kid," he said.

"I know." I took a final whiff of the suit, "It's not Peter I'm worried about. Something big is coming, but Dad won't listen to me."

"How big?"

"Life changing..." I said, feeling the darkness welling up inside me, "It's not good, Happy."

"Well, maybe it's Loki." Happy suggested.

"No. It wouldn't be this bad. Besides I'm not the only one who can feel it. Vision can too." I said as we pulled up to the facility.

"Just..." Happy paused, thinking for a moment, "...keep it to yourself. You know how your Dad can get. Look, I believe you."

"Thanks, Happy. Now I gotta deal with Dad ." I said grabbing a bag with Dad's favorite shawarma, "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck, kid!" Happy said as I gingerly got out of the car.

I walked inside the facility and the few workers that were there were looking at me like I was dead meat. I deep breath walking to my lab in the facility. I saw Dad standing, looking at my progress for the Iron Spider suit. I whispered a curse and opened my door.

"You hungry?" I asked putting the bag down on a table. He turned around to look at me. I pulled out a Snickers bar that read 'Angry' on it and tossed it to him, "You're not you when you're hungry."

He walked up to the table in front of me and put the candy bar down. I shook my head signifying that I wasn't gonna read his mind. I gave him the best sorry look I could. He walked to the side of the table that I was on and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I may not be able to read minds like you, but I'm sorry too," Dad said with a weak smile.

"Shawarma?" I nodded at the bag with a small smile.

"That sounds great," Dad said as I pulled the food out of the bag. He unwrapped and bit into his food, "You know me so well."

"I know." I tapped my head and walked to my small fridge and grabbed two bottles of water.

"How was the kid about giving up the suit?" Dad asked.

"He wasn't happy, but he gave it to me. It's in the bag." I nodded towards the bag that had our food in it, "It's probably a little greasy."

"How are your ribs?" he asked, wiping his mouth.

"They've definitely been better. I'll go to the infirmary after this to see what they say." I said, taking a bite of shawarma

"That's a good idea."

My heart stuttered and the words came falling past my lips with no thought, "I like Peter. No, I don't think like is the right word."

"I know you do. I can tell. You look at him the way your mom would look at me." Dad smiled, remembering her, "You wanna know something."

"What?" I asked, thinking about all the things he told me about my mom.

"Peter looks at you the way I looked at your mom." he smiled, "He's a good kid. Got a good heart. If you two dated, I'd be okay with it."

"Really?" I asked.

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