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"Karen, scan for injuries," I said with Marina's head resting on my leg. I was able to see a scan run over her body through my head display. It lit up over several of her ribs on both sides of the ribcage.

"There appear to be fractures on the third, fourth, and fifth rib on the right side, There are also fractures to the fourth and sixth rib on the left side. Would you like me to call emergency services?"

"Well?" Marina asked with a grimace.

"You have broken ribs on your left and right side." I said, "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah. It hurts like hell when I breathe or talk."

"Is there a collapsed lung?" I asked.

"No. Though there are multiple abrasions on the back and stomach."

"Okay, Karen. Show me the broken ribs again." I said as they lit again, "Give me your hands."

I took her hands in mine and guided them over the broken ribs. She groaned at the small movement.

"Do you need something to bite?" I asked.

"No. I'll be okay," Marina said through gritted teeth.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded. I began counting, "One... two... three."

I heard a snap and she screamed as she used her powers to move her ribs back into place. Her brows were knit and her eyes closed. She balled her hands into fists as her body curled. She groaned and moaned, throwing the side of her fist into the concrete we were sitting on at the landfill. She breathed heavily.

"Karen, scan for injuries," I said again.

"There are no injuries, though I'm still seeing multiple abrasions," Karen said.

"Thanks, Karen," I said and took off my mask.

"Thanks for your help, Peter," Marina said, putting her head back on my leg.

"Of course," I said, running my fingers through her hair.

She smiled closing, her eyes. She looked so peaceful. After everything she'd been through she looked happy. A small smile found its way onto my face. Marina opened her eyes and sat up too fast, a hand on her ribs. She groaned and released a shaky breath.

"Don't ask," she said and looked down, covering her face with her hair.

I nodded, slightly confused, but my mind drifted to the ferry.



Peter and I had been sitting in silence for a few minutes when Dad's suit flew up to us, then his voice cut through the air.

"Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch, I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." I turned and looked at Dad's suit.

"Dad," I said, frowning, "Really?"

"Is everyone okay?" Peter asked.

"No thanks to you," Dad said, angrily. I opened my mouth to talk, but Dad cut me off again, "No. Marina. Stay out of this one." He was seething.

"No thanks to me? Those weapons were out there, and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn't listen." Peter said, getting equally as angry and getting off the concrete we were sitting on.

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