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"Let's go," I said, taking Marina's hand.

She tightened her grip on my hand and we teleported. When we landed it was me, Marina, Mr. Stark, Black Widow, War Machine, Black Panther, and someone named Vision. Across from us, it was Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, someone named Scarlet Witch, someone named Ant-Man, and Falcon.

"What do we do, Cap?" Falcon asked.

"We fight," Captain America replied.

"This is gone end well," Marina sneered.

We started walking toward Captain America's team. Soon the walking turned into running.

I looked between Captain America and Mr. Stark, "They're not stopping."

"Neither are we." Mr. Stark said.

I went after Scarlet Witch, shooting webs at her while she threw cars at me. Marina went after Hawkeye when Black Widow stepped in to fight him and Marina moved. She teleported to stand next to me.

"Peter we gotta go," she said as a car flew overhead.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we were-" something knocked her backward. Something was more turned into someone. Ant-Man grew to his normal size. Marina kicked him in the crotch. I cringed at his pain as she pushed him away. He threw a punch at her and she blocked it easily. Whatever she wanted to tell me wouldn't happen for a while as she got busy fighting Ant-Man.

I saw Captain America and chased after him. He threw his shield, cutting my web. I fell but rolled to avoid a harder fall.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all," I smiled under my mask.

"Look, kid, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand," he told me.

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow."

I shot a web at his shield, then his foot, and pulled him toward me. I shot two more webs, jumping at him, and kicking him in the head. That threw him back and he dropped his shield.

"He also said to go for your legs."

He went for his shield, but I shot webs at both his hands holding him back. He pulled me forward, twisted, and threw me. I shot another web at him he grabbed it, pulled me toward him, and arm-barred me with his shield. I jumped up and swung myself on top of an airbridge.

"Stark tell you anything else?" he asked.

"That you're wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Marina doesn't think that," he said.

I ran at him shooting a web. He kicked me in the stomach, throwing me back. I landed under the airbridge.

He looked at something, "And I guess he had a point."

He threw his shield at the support the airbridge was on. The bridge was quick to fall. I caught it and held it up with all my strength.

"You got heart, kid. Where you from?"

"Queens," I grunted.

He smiled, "Brooklyn."

Then he ran away. My arms started to get tired. I was sure the airbridge was gonna crush me when I didn't feel its weight anymore. I heard someone behind me straining.

"Move!" they yelled.

I ran out from underneath the air bridge and they dropped it. I jumped over to see Marina.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was just-"

She punched me in the shoulder, "That's for almost killing yourself."

"Ow!" I looked from my shoulder to her.

Then she pulled me into a hug, "That's for being okay."

I felt my face go hot and my heart stutter. I felt safe in her arms. I could smell the subtleness of her vanilla perfume and smoke from the battle. I started praying that I didn't stink.

She let me go, "C'mon we gotta go."

"Okay, I'll be right there," I nodded.

She nodded back and ran away from me. With a moment alone I pulled out my phone and started recording. I leaned my phone against some piece of airport equipment and made sure I was in frame.

"Okay, so the craziest thing just happened. Right? I started fighting Captain America and I stole his shield and I threw it at him and-" I was cut off by this loud whoosh.

I turned around to see Ant-Man was gigantic. "Holy shit!" My hands went to the sides of my head, "He's big now! I gotta go!" I left my phone recording and ran towards them. He was holding War Machine like a toy,

"Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now." War Machine said, over our comms.

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" Falcon yelled.

"Give me back my Rhodey." Mr. Stark said in shock.

Then Ant-Man threw him.

"I got him!"

I ran after him shooting a web at his foot. There was a truck in front of me, I put my feet out stopping our momentum. He turned around flying us toward Ant-Man. War Machine started firing at him, I shot a web at Ant-Man, wrapping around his arm and kicking him in the head.

"I swear to god if you die, Spidey I'm gonna kill you!" Marina said to me telepathically.

"Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose?" Mr. Stark asked, "Marina?"

"Not at the moment," she said, sounding bothered.

"You wanna get to them you gotta go through me," Ant-Man said, kicking at Black Panther.

War Machine kept on firing at him. I crawled on his head, looking at his eye through his mask.

"Get off," he said, swatting at me. Vision came up hitting Ant-Man in the stomach pushing him into a plane. Vision flew through Ant-Man making him freak out.

"Something just flew in me!" Ant-Man yelled as Vision flew out of him.

"Hey, guys, you ever see that really old movie The Empire Strikes Back?" I asked.

"Jesus, Tony, how old is this kid?" War Machine asked.

"I don't know, I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side. Closer to Marina's age." Mr. Stark said.

"You know that part," I swung around Ant-Man's arm, "Where they're on the snow planet, with the walking thingies." I started wrapping webs around his legs.

"Maybe the kids onto something." Mr. Stark said.

"Go high now, Tony, go high." War Machine said.
I kept wrapping webs around his legs as Mr. Stark and War Machine punched him. Slowly Ant-Man started falling backward.

"Yes! That was awesome!" I yelled.

Ant-Man's hand hit me. I grunted at the impact. I was thrown and crashed on the ground. I groaned, closed my eyes, and laid there. I heard two people coming up to me.

"Oh shit," one said quietly, walking up to me.

"Hey kid you alright?" the other asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and without thinking I shot webbing at one of their mouths and the other held me down. "Same side. Guess who? Hi. It's us."

I saw Mr. Stark trying to calm me down and Marina trying to pull the webs from her mouth.

"Hey, guys," I said. Marina hummed either in response or frustration, I couldn't tell which.

I nodded at Mr. Stark, "That was scary."

"Yeah. You're done, alright?"

"What? No. I'm good."

"You did a good job. Stay down."

"No, it's good. I gotta get him back." I said. Marina made a satisfied sound as she pulled the webs off her mouth.

"You're going home, or I'll call Aunt May!" Mr. Stark said, "You got him?"

"Yeah," Marina said as Mr. Stark flew off.

"You alright?" I asked her as she helped me up.

"No. We were-" Marina was cut off by an arrow sticking to her forehead. She fell back, her body convulsed as she was being electrocuted. I turned and saw Hawkeye standing there as he lowered his bow. I quickly webbed up his hands and feet, so he couldn't get free. I pulled the arrow off Marina's forehead. She went limp, but she was still alive. Her eyes rolled back, her eyes fluttered closed.

I tapped the side of her face, "Oh, shit Marina?"

She moaned in response.

"Don't move," I whispered to her and ran to get my phone. I dialed Happy as fast as I could, so he would come and get us.

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