Chapter 22 - Chaos (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

But at this point, hope was useless. We all wanted to believe if there was hope, then everything would be all right, but it served to one purpose only‒to make us feel better. The reality was different, much crueler.

I sank to the ground as I recognized two familiar bodies lying on the floor. They were so close together, their hands still clutching one another's.

"Sammy? Sam?" I shook her lifeless body, hopefully staring into her empty eyes. "Sam!" I roared, shaking her harder. A horrified pained cry tore from my lungs as I squeezed her tight, praying to God she would wake up. However, no matter how hard I prayed, nothing happened.

Tears slipped from my eyes as I looked away from her severed neck. "God no! Please, Sam!" I cried out loudly, pulling myself away from the horrible scene before me. I pressed my fevered forehead against the metallic wall, drinking in the coldness of the surface. She was a mage, there was no way she could heal fast enough from these kind of extensive wounds.

I slowly turned back, my body shaking uncontrollably with terror and shock. My eyes flickered to the person Sam was holding. It was Lex, her best friend, and she was hurt so badly, her face was barely recognizable.

I never felt this kind of fear before‒fear of our ruthless enemy, fear of death. But fear of loss was by far the greatest. Just the thought of losing everything you held dear-your family, your friends, home, was enough to wish for your death instead.

My body shook violently as I emptied my stomach.

I pulled myself away from the bodies, trying to stand up in my dissociative state. I felt numb as I pushed myself off the walls, blindly bumping into them as I barely saw through my tears.

Nonetheless after seeing the slaughter of my friends, hope still hasn't abandoned me. It was everything I could count on when Yannik and the others crossed my mind. But maybe I should abandon it, push it deep inside of me since it brought nothing but pain.

I half-walked, half-crawled through the maze of endless corridors.

"Yannik? Sanna?" I tried to call them, but my voice came out broken, barely a whisper.

I forced myself to go faster, but my foot got caught under a mass of bodies, sending me tumbling down. I barely caught myself, bracing myself with hands to lessen the fall. But the landing was disturbingly soft, and I realized I've fallen over someone's dead body. I gagged as I pulled away from it as fast as I could, lifting my bloodied palms in front of my face.

I gasped as I spotted Liam's head, violently parted from his body. His owlish eyes were wide open, boring directly into mine. But what shook me the most was his smile. It wasn't evil or malicious as it always was, instead, it was peaceful.

"Oh God." I covered my eyes with my hand, trying to steady my upset stomach. "Enough." I whispered "Enough already!"

I should be pleased when I saw this traitor's corpse lying on the floor, but I couldn't bring myself to feel the satisfaction. He was after all at fault for all those deaths, he was the one who killed Sam and Lex. But that wasn't entirely true, wasn't it? If they wouldn't bring me here in the first place, this would never happen.

I forced myself to move forward, the feeling of guilt pressing on me like a heavy weight. I pushed the doors leading into the IT sector, stopping short at the sight before me.

It was empty. Desks and chairs lay on the floor, completely broken. Some screens still flickered with light, but most of them were trashed.

"Sanna?" I nervously stepped inside, frantically searching for someone to answer my call. She had to be alive, I called her comm not so long ago.

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