Chapter 16: Finally dead.

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I woke up when I heard arguing downstairs.

I slowly crept down the stairs.

“I just want my little girl back!” I heard my mother yell.


Whatever let Daniel take me, I don’t care anymore… I thought.

I basically stomped down the rest of the stairs to let everyone know I was coming down.

All eyes were on me, but I avoided all of them.

“Were all planning to go to the beach tomorrow be ready by 8am” Matt said as he grinded his teeth together.

I nodded, and headed to the training room.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Dom called out.

“Not hungry” I mumbled.

After training for three hours, I went back upstairs and changed into my clothes.

I walked into the kitchen, passed the living room to find it full with people cooking.

My mom saw me, and noticed my confused face.

“Marcus and your father invited the elders to come down, and some vampires to discuss the treaty” My mother answered me.


Without a doubt I knew it would be Daniel and Darren.

I nodded and was about to walk away when my mother continued speaking.

“This dinner is mandatory, it will start at 7 but you must be down at 4 to welcome and mingle with people” My mother said.

I just kept walking. Time to get ready I guess.

I put on a white flowery dress, put two guns, and four knives in a hidden band around my upper thigh. I brushed on a bit of makeup, and went downstairs in time for four.

I was walking through crowds of people in the backyard, but couldn’t smell any vampires yet. They’re probably coming later on, I thought.

I felt a pair of arms go around my waist, and my first reaction was to reach for my knife, until I recognized the smell – James.

“Remember me Lexie?” James whispered into my ear.

James was one of the elder’s grandsons, which made him one very powerful Alpha werewolf. He was what you would call ‘untouchable’. His father Max used to always come over with James for us to play when we were younger. But then James had to move.

I smiled weakly and turned around to give my old best friend a hug.

What I wasn’t expecting is for him to spin me around. That got us a lot of strange looks.

“Put me down James!” I squealed.

“Why? ‘Cause your mates going crazy?” James smirked.

My thoughts went to Ryan, but that’s when I heard Damon growling across the yard.

 “Na. He’s not my mate” I smiled.

“So how’s the princess of the house doing?” James smiled at me.

“I’m not the princess of the house” I smiled.

Before James could say anything else I interrupted him “Where’s Max?” I smiled sweetly looking around for James’ father.

“He’s right over there talking to your father, Marcus, my grandfather, and the two vampire leaders over there” James nodded his head towards a table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2012 ⏰

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