Chapter 14: Tragedy.

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“I think it’s time I mark you” were the words out of Ryan’s mouth when we went upstairs.

“Why so soon?” I looked confused.

“Look, as long as you’re not marked he’s still attracted to you. We mark each other, and you won’t have feelings for him and vice versa Lex” Ryan’s voice turned soft.

“I don’t know” I shook my head.

“What do you mean you don’t know? YOU SAID YOU CHOSE ME! THEN THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM!” Ryan growled angrily.

“Ryan, I did choose you… but Damon and I have memories that go back years, that won’t go away with a simple bite mark” I smiled weakly at him.

He growled angrily, muttering words to himself as he attempted to get off the bed.

My legs went around his waist, bringing myself on top of him; so I was now straddling him. I moved my head forward, towards his lips.

“But that doesn’t mean you can’t mark me. It’ll always be you Ryan, Damon’s in my past” I whispered before crashing my lips to his.

My lips were in sync with his, moving slowly but so passionately that we blocked the whole world out; the world could have been burning to pieces, but we wouldn’t know. I smiled as I pulled away, and my arms made their way to his shirt which was now unbuttoned. In less than a minute all our clothes were off, and Ryan’s hands were roaming my body.

He leaned in to kiss me, and it was pure bliss. His hands traced shapes on my back, while his tongue wrestled with mine, and our legs were tangled. When he finally pulled away we were both panting, and his lips immediately made their way to my neck. He sucked on my soft spot, and I let out a moan. I felt his teeth sink in farther into my neck, but made no move to stop him. As soon as he bit into my skin, I was in paradise. My body felt sparks everywhere, and shivers went up and down my back. He started licking my wound, as his hands trailed all over my body.

I bent my head forward to mark him, but right in that moment my door slammed open. In the doorway, there were three angry Alphas’, which in any case, wasn’t good.

“What do you want?” I growled.

“You should really stop whoring around” Damon hissed.

Ryan got up with me still in his arms, and growled at Damon, my father, and Damon’s father.

“Get to the point” I said while pushing Ryan behind me.

We did NOT need another fight, although I’d love to see Ryan kick Damon’s ass.

“The point is NO WHORING AROUND” my father growled.

I sighed.

“Ryan, is it okay if I move in with you?” I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

Without even a glance in my direction, he smiled “Yes of course”.

“There, problem solved. I’ll be gone by the end of the day, and it’s not whoring around if their your mate, idiots” I growled.

“I didn’t give you permission to move out” my father hissed.

“She’s my mate, she doesn’t need your permission” Ryan growled, while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled.

“What he said, now why don’t you three leave” I hissed before turning back to Ryan, and pecking him on the lips.

“You will regret this Reine, the prophecy stills stands, and he will die” Marcus (Damon’s father) said.

“I won’t give into the prophecy, he won’t die, and I’ll make you all regret how you’ve treated me in the past, especially you Damon” I whispered.

I heard growls, followed by the door shutting.

“I’ll stick with you even if I have to die” Ryan whispered into my ear.

I growled.

“You won’t die Ryan, not because of me” I whispered.

He smiled, and plopped us back on the bed.

I had less than two years to find three witches to help me break the spell, and I had one witch in mind already, Grazelda. The other two would be a lot harder to find since I knew that the witches in my pack wouldn’t help me, unless I could convince Rossie, Paige or Anastasia, I was temporarily out of luck. My training had begun already, and it was going smoothly. I know what Darren said was that I needed more than a two month practice session to overcome this, but it felt like I was strong enough.

I dialled Darren’s number, and waited for him to pick up.

“Alexis” Darren’s cheerful voice spoke.

I giggled, “Darren”.

“Same place, same time today?” He asked.

“Yes” I said before hanging up.

Now before anyone starts making conclusions, Darren and I have been meeting at a nearby Starbucks every Saturday, at five to discuss my progress, and to train after words. Darren has been really helpful these past months, he even warned me about Daniels plans whenever he could.

Daniel was planning on kidnapping me in five months, the day after I turned seventeen. To torture me, and try to make me feel isolated, in hopes of letting my inner angry witch out. But what he doesn’t know is that it only makes me hate him more, and has no effect on my witch towards my mate or pack. But this time I was ready for him, and I had Ryan.

Ryan wasn’t for this whole ‘being friends with Darren’ thing, but I convinced him otherwise. After Ryan dropped me off at Starbucks, I decided to wait inside for Darren since I couldn’t spot him anywhere.

I waited thirty minutes, but still he didn’t show. I decided to call him, only for it to go straight to voicemail.

I called Ryan, to let him know what was happening, just in case something went terribly wrong.

“Hey Ryan, Darren hasn’t showed up yet, and I’ve tried calling but it’s going straight to voicemail, I’m getting worried” I said anxiously.

All I wanted to do was find Darren to make sure he was safe, he had risked a lot just by coming to see me, or even to talk to me. What if another vampire found out and told Daniel?

“I’m sure he’s fine ‘Lex” Ryan sounded worried too.

“I know, but I’m going to try to look for him, I’ll call you if I do”

“Okay fine, but be careful baby” Ryan’s voice was now soft.

“I will, love you” I said back.

“Love you too” He said before hanging up.

It still amazes me sometimes you know, the fact that just his voice makes me melt inside - or the fact that I had such an amazing mate.

But I shook my head of all thoughts, and went outside to sniff Darren out.

I start walking into the forest behind the plaza, and continue to follow Darren’s scent.

I followed the scent until I saw a trail of blood leading to a tree, I looked up and gasped at the horror.

Darren staked to a tree, cuts covered his face, and tears escaped my eyes from the sight.

A note was stuck onto his shirt, and it read “He knew too much”.

I removed the stake from his chest, and took out my pocket knife. I cut my hand, and winced at the pain, I unbottoned Darrens shirt, which exposed his chest.

"Barenthium Alterus, common quescade" I chanted over and over, while pouring a bit of my blood into his wound and into his mouth, after all, he was a vampire.

I needed to bring Darren back to life, and I needed to find out why someone killed him.

I felt Darrens chest start to slowly rise, and his eyes went wide.

"Alexis" He breathed.

"You're alive Darren" I smiled weakly at him.

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