Chapter 8: You Can't Find the Old Me.

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I felt my head pounding as the blood leaked from my stomach.

I watched from the ground as the vampires disappeared into the forest.

"Darren don't leave me here!" I yelled out in agony.

But no one responded, I tried to slowly get up but I only ended up falling over.


I didn't even bother responding, I just tried getting up again.

I felt footsteps quickly approaching me but stopped when my 'father' shouted.

"DON'T HELP THAT WHORE, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!" My father looked at me in disgust.

Is he kidding me?

I laughed darkly to myself.

"I raised myself when I was a kid, including my own brothers, and this pack, so what makes you think I would want any of your help anyways?" I continued laughing.


"You mean your father, and you're Alpha? I never had a father, just a simple guardian who did nothing I couldn't do for myself" I shook my head.

Suddenly my 'father' was standing in front of me, with his hand raised in a threatening way.

"You going to hit me? Please be my guest" I smiled.

I felt a sting on my cheek as I was thrown onto the ground again.

I started laughing even more at this point.

"I was raped, burned with cigarettes, and beaten for six months, and you think that hurt me?!" I said in between breathes from laughing.

Everyone looked at me stunned.

I looked into my dad's eyes for a second to see sadness in them, but of course it was gone as fast as it has come.

Without another word, I got up slowly, holding my stomach which was now burning, and struggled to walk off their property. I didn't really care where I'd go, but anywhere was still better than here.

"YOU HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GO!" Matt screamed.

"Anywhere's better than here Mattie" I whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"The truth hurts, and the lies heal." The truth was, they didn't love me and they've lied too many times for me to even count. But see, these lies wouldn't heal; they'd always be with me forever.

I was limping through the forest until the pain in my stomach was unbearable, so I shifted into my wolf and lay down on my back quietly, just looking at the stars. I felt my stomach heal slowly, but I knew the burns and scars would take longer since they were continuous for six months.

I sighed, closed my eyes, and drifted into the darkness that I was so used too.

I don't know how long I was sleeping, but when I woke up I felt like crap, as usual.

"Another day of hell begins" I muttered to myself.

I looked down at myself and noticed the wound on my stomach completely healed, but I was still covered in dry blood.

I got up, and started walking towards Cher's house.

I almost fainted on the way there, but gladly I rang the door bell... and then fainted.

I was aware I was being carried in someone's arms, but I couldn't open my eyes.

"Put her in the tub and rinse the blood off her, and get her dressed" Cher ordered like a pro.

Drama? Not even close... Love?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora