A Love to Give That Leaves You Breathless(Ben Bruce Love Story)

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* Hope you guys like this new story I just randomly thought of when I was watching Bryan Starz videos lol There might be some refrences in this story from the Asking Alexandria interviews that Bryan did. Also one more thing All the Band members are going to be young like when they first started out so Black Veil Brides will be in their We Stitch These Wounds phase and Asking Alexandria will be in their Stand Up and Scream phase ;D Okay that's all. Now read!*

~Elaine's POV~ 

I sighed. Today was going to be fun yet sad. I was leaving my life behind to go on tour with my big brother Jake Pitts. Yup he was the lead guitarist for Black Veil Brides and he was damn good at it! I loved the fact that I was going to spend time with my other brothers... Andy, Ashley, Jinxx and CC! But then I was sad that we were leaving are mom behind and alone. 

Jake just kept telling me that it was the best thing to do for me, because our mom wasn't the best mom in the world, she was abusive to me. Not physically but mentally. She had gotten like that ever since our dad died three years ago. Jake and I both missed our dad and we couldn't really figure out why our mom had turned into a jerk when we needed her the most. I finished packing up my bags then I grabbed my pillow and blanket and headed outside to put my stuff in the tour bus. I was excited to be on the tour bus. It was actually really homey in there. I was heading towards the bunks and I looked inside all of them making sure no one was there. I looked at the bunks on the right and picked the top bunk. I started to climb up to the top bunk when I screamed because someone had grabbed my leg. I calmed down from my scream and heard laughing. I poked my head out from my bunk and looked down, it was CC. I stuck my toungue out at him. "Jerk you hella scared me!" I yelled at him. He just laughed more then said "Sorry! That was to funny but Hey we're bunk buddies" I laughed at the words bunk buddies. "Hey we are cool." I said to him as the other guys came into the bus. 

"Alright is everyone in and does everyone have everything?" Andy said in his deep lovely voice. I gave a thumbs up from my bunk and CC did the same, then Jake, Jinxx,and Ashley said Ya. "Okay were ready to go." Andy said to the bus driver. Ashley, Jake and Jinxx sat down on the couch and started watching a movie. Andy retired to his bunk because he was tired and CC and I were playing Draw Something with each other while laying on our bunks. It was already late when we headed off to the first stop of Warped Tour and I was tired. Tomorrow was going to be so much fun I thought. I get to meet a ton of bands that I love and watch them play. I was secretly screaming and freaking out inside because I found out that Asking Alexandria was going to be at Warped and I had an extreme crush on Ben Bruce. He was just so cute and hot, sexy he was just everything! I got off my bunk and went to the bathroom to change into some clothes to go to sleep. 

I changed into a red tank top and black basketball shorts. I combed my dark black hair and wiped away the make up I had on then I cleaned my snake bites. I got out and said goodnight to Ashley Jinxx and Jake. "Goodnight Beautiful." Ashley whispered in my ear while hugging me tight. I blushed and walked away when I saw Jake glare at him. Ashley just shrugged my brothers angry stare off. I laughed and opened up the curtains to Andy's bunk he was on the middle bunk across from CC's. I smiled he was facing the wall and I think he was asleep. I ruffled his hair and whispered goodnight. He turned to face me and smiled. "Good night Elaine." he said. I smiled then closed his curtain and then I climbed into CC's bunk. He hugged me and I blushed. Okay CC and I sorta have had a thing ever since Jake had introduced me to him. Jake didn't know and nothing was official between us but it was sort of fun having a secret lover. Plus Christian was just so funny and cute I couldn't resist. 

CC kissed my cheek and he whisperd I love you to me. I turned in his arms and layed my head on his bare chest. We stayed like that for a while and I felt my eyes growing heavy and I was falling asleep. I rubbed my eyes and kissed a sleeping CC on his lips and started getting off his bunk to mine. CC woke up. "Where are you going?" he asked yawning. "I have to go to my bunk if Jake see's us sleeping together he'll get really pissed." I said. He nodded then pouted. "Fine Love ya Elaine, goodnight." he said. I smiled and plopped on my bunk I grabbed my I-pod and started to listen to A Prophecy by AA and drifted off to sleep. 

I started squirming and I was scared. I woke up in tears. I had just had a nightmare about my dad dying. He had died in a car crash and in my dream I was there with him it was scary and it made me cry. I kept crying and I couldn't control my sobs. I felt someone reach for me and I was being carried off my bunk into another all in the comfort of my lovers arms. 

~CC's POV~ 

I couldn't sleep it was two in the morning! The reason I couldn't sleep was because I was worried about Elaine. I could hear her squirming and wimpering. She was having a bad dream and it was killing me that I couldn't just hold her and kiss her because of the risk of getting caught by Jake.  I  heard the squirming stop and then I heard her crying. Fuck it! She needed me now. I got off my bunk quietly and reached blindly for Elaine. Once I found her and slowly carried her down and put her in my bunk. She was still crying I climbed in with her and pulled her ontop of me. I started to stroke her hair and she seemed to calm down a bit. "It's okay Elaine, your fine." I said into her ear. 

She looked at me and wiped her tears away. "Thank you CC." she said quietly I held her close to me and I moved her hair away from her face. I looked into her hazel brown eyes and kissed her. I could taste her tears but I didn't mind. She responded imediately and I turned her around so I was on top of her. She placed her hands on my chest and we stayed that way just making out for a really long time.  

~Ben's POV~ 

I finished f***ing this girl and then I got off  her. She moaned and asked where I was going. I just flipped her off. Really she's asking me that like I care about her. I yelled Thanks and walked out the door. I found Danny and we walked out of the hotel and ran to our tour bus. Tomorrow was are first day of Warped Tour and we were running late because Danny and I had stopped to get some thrills. *wink wink* We got inside and I grabbed a beer from our fridge. Sam and James were watching a movie with thier girlfriends and Cameron was sleeping. 

I groaned I was tired, Danny went to sit with Sam and James and he was talking about some Andy guy and I don't know what else. Oh well  I went to my bunk and started to watch videos on my laptop. I was so bored. I groaned and closed my lap top. I could hear the obnoxious laughs of Sam and Jame's girlfriends. Ugh! Why couldn't I find a girl that I actually loved. I was a sexy fucker and I knew it too. I just couldn't find the right girl. I knew on this tour I was going to meet a whole bunch of easy girls but that's not what I wanted I wanted a challenge. Maybe I would find someone who knew. I turned over in my bunk and started listening to Skid Row and fell asleep.  

* Hey guys tell me what you guys think? Please Vote comment and Fan! Umm this story will be On Hold for a while until I finish Dear Insanity or Love Isn't Always Fair because they are almost done. If you haven't read them please do :D Well hope you guys liked this first chapter more will be coming :)~Aly P.S.  On the right is a pix of Elaine?* 

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