I nodded, "I was wondering if you knew anything about what lays beyond the borders of the city? Do you know?"

   She stared at me for a second and then looked down at her desk. "I can only say I've heard rumors. To be honest, there isn't much beyond the border. Here, I'll draw a layout on the board." she said and grabbed a marker and started drawing. "The layout is pretty simple. We have our small city, then the wall. From things I've heard it's about 5 or 6 feet thick. Beyond there is a small clearing around the wall that is about one acre out, maybe less. Then it's simply wooded areas stretching many many more acres in all directions." she said.

   I took in the information and nodded, "Okay . . Is there anything beyond that?' I asked.

   She shook her head, "No one else really knows. I've heard rumors that the factories are out there, and other rumors of huge buildings that are full of science things that I don't understand. I think they are figuring out better ways to go about pollution and such like that." she waved it off.

   "Oh, okay." I said.

   "You aren't planning on going beyond the borders, are you?" she asked.

I shook my head, "N-No, it's only for educational purposes of course." I said. It was partially true. I wanted to, but I had no idea how I would get past the wall border anyway.

   Mrs. Gar gave me a pass to fourth period and I headed on my way, hatching a plan in my head, "I know that's where Ty disappeared . . but I think I will find more answers if I try and look for an exit out of here. If Sky and Ty are beyond those borders, then I ought to find a way out to find and save them." I told myself as I walked down the hallway. "I will find a way. I'll tell everyone else my plan, and we will find a way."

. . .

   It's been three days, and every night so far I've gone to the wall with at least one other person, but tonight I was at the wall alone. Something was off about this place. Something was very off about this place. Not just the wall and what was beyond it, but why it was here in the first place. Why were we all closed inside this border in the first place? Was what lie last these borders so dangerous they locked us away for safety? Or are they locking us away from a huge secret that not even our own police force know about? What was with this place? It's all one huge secret . . .

   I stared at the wall, my flashlight on it. I stood still and just thought. Everything was all a blur. It was all a story; a story that had some smudges in the dirt and some parts were clear as day itself, but most of it was just a blur.

   The wind shifted my hair slightly, and as I thought I started getting a headache. "So many missing pieces to this puzzle . . ." I whispered to myself.

   Just then I heard some crunching behind me of the grass. I turned around and shined my flashlight out into the distance. Nothing was there . . . I gulped and let out a shaky breath.

   "H-Hello?" I said but I was so scared it just sounded like a whisper in the night. Nothing was there and there was no more sounds. I turned back around and when I did I heard the sound again. I turned around quickly but once again there was nothing. I was frozen in fear; I didn't know what to do. I knew I should run but what if there was someone there? Wouldn't they chase me? I was a deer caught in the headlights.

All the sudden my flashlight flickered off for a second and then came back on. I looked down at it. All was still . . . and all was quiet . . .

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