First Love - Nine

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The next morning I went looking around. I got the sense for the place and got some water in the two flasks i had. I decided to take a rest for the day after I set up a snare I must have been tired cause i feel asleep. I was only woken up by a searing burning pain. I screamed as I jolted up and ran the fight or flight mode kicking in. My side was burning like crazy. I looked back and there was a fire ball coming right at me, I ducked, then continued running . I found a small hide out and hid in there for the time being. My right side had been burn all the way down. It just missed my head and face. i paned as i laid down and fell into a slumber.

When i woke up my head was a little clearer but my arms hurt like hell. I needed to get to the cornucopia at least they might have some first aid there. Which I was stupid to forget. I grunted in pain as I tried to move, my last activities left me weak and feeble. I tried for ages to get some grip and balance to move.

"Who's there?" i heard a voice oh thank god.

"Cato help!" i called, there was a hurry of footsteps as Cato came in.

"what happened?" he helped me up and i yelled in pain.

"forest fire got me while I slept. I just managed to get away...not without scars though." I informed him

"we need to get you back to the cornucopia. there are some first aid supplies there."

"i can barely walk my right leg is scorched" he lifted me up bridal style and i winced in agony.

"sorry" he took me out of my hiding place and setback for the cornucopia.

"where's Burton?" I wondered

"should be back at the cornucopia. We ran into District 12 girl yesterday and her lover boy suggest we wait her out. Bitch got us with tracker jackers. We should meet up back at camp." He told me. When we finally reached his camp he called for Burton. I saw the other careers try to figure out what was going on.

"Cato why have you brought her here. Just kill her" his district 2 partner Clove said

"No. Burton get some first aid and spare clothes." he laid me down on a sleeping bag.

"Fine I'll do it myself" Cato stood up and gripped her arm.

"You harm my girlfriend I will rip your fucking head off" he growled as Burton came over and started helping me.

"girlfriend Cato she's the enemy"

"she's a career like us okay. born and raised not matter what district she was brought up in. I'll say it again this time to all of you. You hurt her and your dead." he shook his head. as if he was trying to shake something off. Clove and Marvel glared at me.

"where's glimmer" Marvel asked

"dead, tracker jackers got her." Cato replied

"oh that bitch from 12 is so dead" Clove yelled

"good riddance i say" I muttered to Burton who smirked

"What did you just say" Marvel went for me but was pushed away by Cato.

"Cato come here" he did

"there are some leaves for stings just like the jackers..." I started describing what they looked like. He left to go get them when i lapsed into sleep again.


I came back after getting a bunch of leaves that Lacey described to me. I sat down next to Lace and held out the leaves.

"take them and put them on your stings." I tell them. Marvel and Clove snatched them off me Burton just nods.

"how is she" i ask him

"okay, her burns are bad. We don't have what she needs though if she needed sponsors now would be the time." he replied

"why don't we just end her poor little suffering" Clove smirked

"are you deaf she is not going to die" i sneered

"what has she done to you Cato? She's made you weak" i ignored her and brushed some hair out of her face. Later that day there was chimes as a parachute came down I ran over and grabbed it. It had the number 8 on. I took it out and there was a large cylinder of ointment.

"Burton i have it, i have what she needs" he looked up and grinned he opened up her wounds as I read the note

"apply graciously" i read out.

"oh yippee she's gonna live" Marvel rolled his eyes.

"you do her arm I'll do her leg." we started spreading the ointment in and i heard her breathe a sigh of relief. It was working. i to let out a sigh happy she was going to be okay. She woke up a few hours after.

"Your awake" i smiled

"yeah what happened?" she wondered

"you got a sponsor who gave you the medicine needed for your burns look" it head but there would still be some long term scarring.

"ugh they look ugly"

"they look fine, it shows you're a survivor" she smiled at me

"Lacey you're awake." Burton hugged her and she laughed

"nice to see you too" she replied

"you're staying with us." i stated "I'm not letting you out of my sight" she nodded

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