Chapter 2

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I wake up with what feels like a hangover. But, I didn't drink last night. At least not that I remember? I came straight back to my dorm after classes and studied until I went to sleep. I check my laptop for emails as I do every morning. Nothing from myself, so I guess yesterday was pretty uneventful.

It's strange though. I don't remember what I was studying. I look through all of my school materials for any indication I was working on something last night. Nothing. I go through my files on the laptop to see if I was studying online. There is one assignment that was due last night at midnight. And I didn't turn it in.

If I was studying all night, wouldn't I have turned in my work? I always turn things in on time. Damnit. I got compelled last night, didn't I? Probably didn't even have time to send an email. I wonder what I saw that I wasn't supposed to. Or heard, maybe. Well, it's a Saturday. That means I don't have classes. Which also means I can retrace my steps to see what happened.

I change out of my pjs and head to where I would've gone first yesterday. Occult Studies. I take the same route as I always do; nothing stands out. I search around the desk that I use in the class. And nothing. I do the same with the rest of the classes that I would've had. Zip. After leaving the last class, I head in the direction of my dorm.

Glancing around, it's pretty scarce for people. Everyone always has big plans on the weekend. Parties and trips home. I, on the other hand, am stuck trying to figure out where my memory's gone. My head swivels past the parking lot with three or four cars in it. I stop in my tracks. As I look back at the cars, I notice my first actual clue.

My car. I can't believe I didn't think of it before. Of course; if I didn't study in my dorm, then I must've gone somewhere. I mean, there's no logical reason that I would've been compelled on campus. Listen to me. Logical? Like any of this is logical. I'm on a friggin scavenger hunt to try and find my lost memories that a vampire compelled out of me. Logic has gone out the window.

I make my way to my car and hop in the driver's seat. I check the glove compartment, the middle compartment, and above the sun visors. My car is as spotless as always. After thinking for a moment, I put my key in the ignition and turn the car on. Looking at the console behind the wheel, I try to decipher some kind of indication of where I went. My mileage is higher than I remember, but I couldn't tell you by how much.

I flip the total mileage to see the trip meter. It looks like I started it over before I went wherever. God, I'm a genius. If I divide the trip in half and look at a perimeter of those miles, I can find where I went. After doing the math and plotting, I notice that there are a few places I could've gone. One being just outside Mystic Falls. Which seems most likely. But where outside Mystic Falls did I go? I drop my head down in frustration. When I open my eyes, I see mud. Mud on my clean carpets.

I went to the cemetery!

Without a second thought, I buckle my seatbelt and drive there as fast and safe as I possibly can. On the drive I think about why I would've needed to be compelled at the cemetery. Hopefully, when I get there it won't be a repeat. Making all this investigating for nothing.

I step out onto the dirt trail, which is semi-dry now. I head toward the Salvatore Crypt, since it's the only grave site I really know here. When I get there, there is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. I head inside and see nothing particularly weird for a crypt. I can't believe I came all the way out here for nothing.

Disappointed, I slowly walk back outside. Only to be startled by a man leaning against a tree. I instantly tense, knowing better than to interact with a stranger in a cemetery. Damon taught me that. I try to pretend I didn't see him and head towards the trail to my car, clutching my keys tightly.

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