16 | Life's Labyrinth

Start from the beginning

Castiel tilted his head once more and whispered to Sam, "is he referring to me?"

Sam could offer him a crooked smile before giving Crowley a death glare. "Crowley."


"We know why you kidnapped Clarissa, now," Sam stated.

"I prefer to use the term 'surprise adoption'."

"Stop kidding around. Tell us where she is, and we'll let you go." Sam demanded, his eyes lying solely on Crowley.

Crowley smugly smiled, "oh, Moose. This dominant side of you makes me feel all tingly."

"So this is about Clarissa, hm?" his amused eyes held their fiery stares. "Her screams were music to my ears. Her whole body was ornamented with the wounds I cut. It was extremely satisfying to hear her gasp as I dug the knife deeper into her flesh."

Dean's jaw clenched. His nostrils flared in anger. He lunged towards Crowley, the two toppling down to the floor. With all the anger and frustration he bottled up, Dean threw punches across his face.

Punch! "This is for being a jackass, you bitch!"

Punch! "This is for taking Clarissa."

Punch! "this is for all the sufferings and pain you've caused her to go through!!"

"Dean!" Sam grabbed Dean by the collar and yanked him away. He placed both hands on Dean's cheeks as he breathed heavily, lips pursed and jaw clenched.

"Hey, dude. Look at me!"

Dean tore his gaze away from Crowley and looked at him.

"I get it; you want Rissa back— we both do. But keep it together, will you? Please."

Dean's eyelids felt heavy; he didn't have any sleep at all for the last few days. But he told himself everyday that he had to keep fighting. For Clarissa.

He nodded, and jerked himself away from Sam's grip. Waking towards Crowley, he neared his face. "So what's it gonna be? We can keep you here forever until you tell us where she is."

"you lumbering piles of flannels are so desperate for an answer."

Crowley sighed, "I actually don't know where she is," he glanced at the Winchesters to see them baffled before continuing, "because I sent her to Purgatory, boys!!"

He victoriously laughed while the Winchesters' eyes widen in horror.


"oh, yes."

Dean unconsciously placed a hand on his forehead, his breathing fast. Castiel and him spent a year in purgatory themselves, and they knew very well that Purgatory wasn't good news. Filled with the bodies and souls of all things hungry, sharp, and nasty.

"Why?" Castiel piped in, "why would you that when she has done nothing wrong to you?"

He hummed in thought, "I was in the mood for drama."

Sam huffed, clenching his fists tighter until whites had formed. "Let's go. He'll never give us the real reason."

The three exited the dungeon where they held Crowley captive when suddenly Dean turned back, proceeded to lunge at him, and blew a punch across Crowley's face once more, earning a groan.

Dean looked down at Crowley as if he was a pest. He said no more as he strode back as Crowley watched his retreating figure, disappearing afterwards when he closed the door.

"Guess I've been Winchestered."

x x x

No matter how many layers of flannels and jackets the Winchesters would wear, the weather was still quite chilly. A cloud of cold air would come out from their mouths each time they'd speak. Dean dug his hands deeper into his pocket, longing for warmth from the freezing weather.

Dean abruptly stood up from the Impala's trunk when he noticed a figure approaching the duo. An all too familiar figure.

"Hey, brother."

"Benny." Dean breathed out. He could almost feel his eyes teary.

"It's been too long, man." They both enveloped into a hug. Despite how cold the weather could be, their brother-like relationship could ignite a fire that could warm anyone from miles away.

An agreement was made over the phone. As much as how Dean didn't like to ask favours, he asked Benny to come over and met up downtown, hoping that he could go back to Purgatory and rescue Clarissa in which Benny agreed to after listening to their story.

Sam, however, wasn't too keen on that idea. Sam hated the fact that Dean worked with a vampire when he was in purgatory. He knew that he didn't have any choice because Dean also needed an alliance, but the fact that he once said Benny was like a brother, a better brother in fact than Sam, hurt him. A lot.

As soon as they pulled away from their hug, Dean asked, "you sure you're okay with going back to Purgatory? You're risking your own life here."

He pat Dean's back reassuringly and chuckled, "Anything for my brother."

Sam's nostrils flared. He was doing everything in his willpower to resist the urge to say anything offensive.

"You do know what Clarissa looks like, right?" Dean inquired.

"Course, she's the Guardian of Land. Wouldn't miss her."

Dean gave him a tight smile and pat Benny's back. "Good luck, Benny. Thanks a lot for this, I owe you one."

Benny chuckled, "it's no problemo, Dean. Wish me luck."

Dean saluted, giving off his signature smile while Sam forced one. With a blink of an eye, Benny was gone.

x x x

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