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P r o l o g u e

Itail, 1608

Oberon Denholm was beginning to feel stressed out because of the upcoming war. It was everyone against the Werewolves. The witches and the vampires decided to team up and end this for good. This fight has been going on for centuries. Because of that Oberon decided it was time for witches to finally join the fight.

He was walking around his palace setting up back up plans for his family just in case he did not come back. While walking around he found his beautiful wife reading a book. She was so beautiful with her dark skin that seemed to glow throughout her pregnancy. But his most favorite feature about her was her eyes. Her feline eyes It was brown with specks of silver. And her ass God-

"Ahem." Catur was still reading. Oberon continued to stare until she met his eyes. She closed her book and stared back at her husband.
"I can hear your thought you know." She said as she turned around to face him.
"I know you can, I cannot help myself sometimes. You're just so- " As he looked at her up and down "yummy." She laughed for the first time in a long time. The war was stressing the both of them.

Catur was having quads. Catur once upon upon a time was a very powerful witch. She was a danger to others and herself. She had all the power of the elements of life. Air, Water, Fire and Earth.

Catur has reached to the point of self destruction because of the amount of magic she has had within her but her beloved Oberon knew the only way to save her was to get her pregnant.

Once she had gotten pregnant, she was unable to perform magic like she used to. Her ability to perform magic has gone to her quads, each receiving the magic she had inherited.

"Catura, I must go and visit Gethen and his coven. They are helping us in the war." he said to Catura getting ready to leave.

"Oh, do not pick a fight with him. Understand?" She asked while he nodded as she continued."Come back to me, I want you to come back and see your daughters." She caressed his face with such adoration, content and love.

Tvam Kamayami.

Oberon merely just nodded. Not knowing whether he was going to come back to her. His woman, his everything. He kissed her forehead then her lips that he would miss so much. Her dark hair matching with her dark brown eyes that he would get lost into so deeply, while his had light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Goodbye, my vena. Forever will you be my first woman, my first love. I love you." He whispered and left without uttering another word, knowing it would hurt him even more.


Catura knew he was not going to come back. She was anything but stupid. She may be pregnant but that does not give her the permission to be oblivious to her surroundings. Her love won't be coming back. Her vena. She silently cried to herself. She wiped her tears and got up once she did.

She felt unbelievable pain in her stomach. Servants came to help her up and got her to her bedroom knowing that she was just about to give birth to her bahikas.

Aglab, 1608

Oberon teleported to Aglab to visit his ally Gethen and his vampire coven Mist. He was one of the most powerful vampires with an equally powerful coven. Once Oberon got Gethens alliance they became close friends. Oberon immediately entered Gethens office without knocking.

"Are the vampires prepared?" asked Oberon while sitting down infront of Gethens desk.
"Yes they're all prepared and ready. Are you sure you want to be here? What about your wife?" Gethen asked with worry in his eyes for his life long friend. They have known each other for over 5 centuries, and he knows how important family is to him.

Oberon nodded and didn't reply. He could not bare to think about not being able to see his wife and his future kids ever again. He had to secure the future of his daughters and make sure that they will be protected for life.

Oberon and Gethen shook hands and left his house and went to the battle field.

Oberon didn't come back that night.

Yusmota - loved by you
vena - love
bahikas - babies
Tvam Kamyami - I love you

okay guys what do you think? english is not my first language so i am trying! let me know on what you think?? are you interested or not??
Also the chapter is short because I want to get a feel if you guys liked it or not.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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