Chapter 14: Declaration

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"Why did you choose me?"

"Because..." Bas beamed but didn't provide an answer. "Should I remove my clothes?"

"N-No..." Godt spat. "You keep everything that's on you, on you. I don't want to be blinded by your creamy white skin."

"But, I've been pleasured by yours," Bas admitted.

"What? When?"

"You were striking poses in front of the bathroom mirror completely in the nude. It was exhilarating."

Godt pursed open his lips but didn't know how or what to retort.

"Is there something the matter?" Bas wondered. "Why is your face so red? Are you not feeling well? Should I transport you to the hospital?"

"T-Transport?" Godt gulped. "No! No need for transport."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive!" Godt crept under his comforter and pulled it up over his head, leaving only his face uncovered. "I'm going to sleep."

"Feel free to," Bas said. "I'll be right here observing you."

Ugh, great. I have a Peeping Tom in my room.

"I believe that a Peeping Tom is someone who watches in secret. I'm watching you openly and you know about it. So, I don't fit into that description."

"The only reason you disclosed that you were watching me was because I could hear you."

"Well, yes. That."

The worst part...he saw me naked. No one has seen me naked other than my parents. This sucks.

"I don't understand. Why is seeing you naked a bad thing? I find it very enjoyable."

"Stop talking about it," Godt muttered.

"Stop talking about what?"

"Just stop talking altogether."

Bas went to stare at him straight in the face. "Why are you jutting out your bottom lip? I think you have a gorgeous body. I comprehend your self love for it. If I have your body, I would show the world as well."

"Please stop..."

"I'll tell you a secret." Bas smiled bashfully. "My heart was thumping when I saw you wearing only your skin. It was a nice feeling. Is that a good thing?"

Godt's eyes widened when he noticed the other's close proximity. Why do I feel like I'm the one being taken advantage of? Godt grimaced. I wonder what P'Singto and Krist are doing. Maybe I should have stayed over there tonight. Why the heck did I decide to come home? Why must he follow me? Gosh, this is totally messed up.

"Do you hate having me that much?" Bas threw him the saddest puppy eyes.

Darn it. I forgot that he could hear my thoughts. Godt heaved a shaky breath. Why does he look so adorable? No! Stop thinking about nonsense! He's not cute at all. Oh,!

"Do you think that I'm ugly?" Bas tilted his head and blinked his large eyes pleadingly. "Am I not desirable to P'Godt?"

Oh, gosh. He's so... Catching himself, Godt shook his head. Ugh, I must not give in.

"I'm what...? Finish what you're thinking."

"Stop listening to my thoughts!" Godt ordered. "Haven't you heard of privacy?"

"No, I haven't," Bas answered honestly.

"How am I supposed to sleep with you here?"

"The same way you've been sleeping while I'm here," Bas responded.

"You..." Godt rolled his eyes. "Isn't there a rule about disturbing the lives of humans?"

"Yes." Bas nodded. "Therefore, I always made sure that I was invisible when I was here."

"You're not invisible right now." Godt pointed out.

"Would you like me to make myself invisible?" Bas inquired.

"What's the point of being invisible when I know that you're still here?"

"Isn't there a human saying; out of sight, out of mind?" Bas grinned.

"Trust me. You would never be out of mind." Godt sighed.


"Why do you look so happy?" Godt murmured.

"Because...I'm always on your mind," Bas stated.

"That's not what I..." Godt groaned. "Never mind. I'm going out of my mind."


Singto noticed Bas trailing Godt wherever he went and smiled knowingly. "So, the two of you are together?"

"P'Singto, there's no way that that would ever happen," Godt denied.

"He's been staying with you for almost 3 weeks now. Are you sure you guys are not together?" Singto waved for Krist to come sit next to him, so the bunny hopped on to the couch.

"I don't have a choice in the matter." Godt frowned. "He won't leave me alone."

"Perhaps, there is a reason for this."

"Ask him yourself," Godt scoffed. "I haven't a clue."

"Ask me what?" Bas questioned cheerfully.

"Nong Godt wants to know why you're following him around, when there are so many other humans to choose from," Singto recited.

"I like him," Bas blurted nonchalantly.

"What is there to like about him?"

"Hey, I'm offended." Godt narrowed his eyes at Singto.

"He gives me feelings here." Bas placed a hand over his heart.

"Bas is in love!" Krist declared.

His statement made Godt's jaw drop and Singto chuckled.

"Just like I love Sing!"


Oh, my.  This was hard to write.  I changed it so many times.  Haha...

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