Flame Demon X Fem! Reader

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A/n: Don't yank my weave, I know I'm terrible. Thanks everyone for 200 votes and 10k reads! Sorry it has been a long ass time.


"What the hell?" I yelled loudly on accident.

Oka, one of my closest friends, put her finger to her lips, making a shhh sound.

"W-we can't f-find out how t-to summon a d-demon, but w-we gave a theory on h-how to get there," Oka explained, stuttering like crazy.

"Why do you have blood on your knife?!" I asked, trying not to freak out.

Oka was standing there with blood all over her uniform and her knife. She looked like she didn't give one single fuck about it.

"I tried th-the ritual on a b-bunch of animals," Oka explained while looking down.

My eyes widened in fear. What the hell, Oka?

"I u-understand," Oka said before walking away.

I sighed in disbelief. She had to do a ritual on a bunch of animals? Innocent ones to be exact! I walked into the courtyard, looking for Kokona. She hasn't been coming to school lately, because of all the rumors surrounding her. I even heard the bullies still tease her about it. If only I could actually do something.

A scream pierced my ears after that thought. It sounded like it came from the Occult Club. OKA!
I ran down towards the Occult Club, hoping my friends are safe. That's when I opened the door, and there are the students' bodies. I only recognized a few. Oka and Musume were dead on the ground. Some of the Occult Club members dead, but some of them escaped. I looked at the skull and saw a familiar knife with blood on it. Oka said something about putting the knife into the skull before telling me what she even done. I grabbed the knife and plunged it into the skull. A bunch of black particles surrounded me and before I knew it, I was gone.

"What happened?" I groaned, rubbing my forehead.

"Foolish mortal!" A voice yelled out.

The voice was deep and raspy. I looked up at a bunch of white flames. There was a body in the school's uniform, but the head and hands were replaced with fire. I rubbed my eyes, hoping that what I see in front of me is false, but it wasn't.

"Who are you-"

"What are you doing here?!" He cut me off, rudely, I should add.

I pouted, crossing my arms.

"What are YOU doing HERE?" I asked him back in a teasing way.

He scoffed, turned his flamey demon head away from me,

"I'm a demon!" He yelled out as if he was proud.

"Geez, what a let down of a demon," I said, rolling my eyes.

That's when he snapped.


And the rest of what he said was a blur. I stood there with a bored expression on my face.



"HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN END UP HERE!?" He asked, fuming in anger.

"I don't know. I put a knife in a skull and then-"

"WAS IT BLOODY?" He asked even more angrier.

"Yes," I answered simply.

"You intrigue me," He replied, not even angry anymore.

I tried to hold my blush, but I couldn't. What the hell does he even mean by "you intrigue me."

"EXCUSE ME?" I yelled out,

He crossed his arms a bit.

"Well?" He replied.

"Well what?" I asked, impatiently.

He looked away a bit, as if he's trying to be confident.

"Have you ever thought of visiting her for a little? I'll always be in the same place, but it's not like I care." He said in a Tsundere-ish way.

Kind of like Osano with Senpai.

I smiled, "Sure."


It has been awhile since the whole incident with the flame demon. The police has no leads, and I told them about the bodies but not the demon dimension. I visited the flame demon once in a while and I actually became good friends with him. It has been about like 8 months by now, and it's strange since I think I'm devolving feelings for a demon. The Occult Club shut down, but the headmaster let me keep the skull, because Oka was my close friend. I kept the knife, even if the blood had dried, just to see my new friend. We were just sitting down in the dark void just talking.

"LOOK, I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS SUCH THING CALLED A DEMON DIMENSION!" I defended, pointing at the Flame demon.

He chuckled. The room got silent all of a sudden. I looked up at him with concerned eyes. He seemed to be battling a thought in his head.

"Is it strange to have feelings for a mortal?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrows, wondering what he met.

Before I could say anything, he kissed me on my lips.

After the kiss, he whispered in my ears very slowly.

"Is it strange having feelings for you?"

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