i got bored...

64 7 19

Imagine this...

A girl in a dress, still from yesterday, was passed out in her bed. The blanket gave her warmth and comfort as her messy curly hair hit her face. She was in a peaceful state as her nightmares had stopped. Earbuds were placed in her ears as whispers fill her ears. You could only hear the little breaths she took in and out. She held on to her stuff animal for dear life.

The birds chirp fill the room as the sun came up and kissed her on the face. She woke up in utterly fear, confused.

Do I have school?

She repeated the sentence intil she finally focused and noticed she didn't. Relief, she laid her head back down and began to fidget on apps on her phone. It was only 7:27 for her, and she didnt want to make a sound.


The girl is now on the hard floor as she has a pillow under her head as she types. Her breathing is relaxed as her thoughts roam onto memories and random thoughts...

Ew lmao XD just me on my floor and waking up confuzzled.....I got bored....

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