mr. eyes :) ....and stupid rambling

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I'm sorry (aren't you sick of me saying that? Same but I feel as if everything is my fault) I didn't let you in on what my brain was thinking lmao

I'm like..dozing off a bit gawd I don't know why...I'm sorry


*tries to not say sorry from saying sorry too many times*

Oohhh shit is heavy outside as I hear a lil bitch yelling and fighting another one XD

No, I'm not going to give you details it is eehhh annoying. I can barely hear anyways.

I feel as if I just take out my (as peoples say) cute rambling, I feel like it is wierd and not fully me being me and just being a blabbermouth. Plus random thoughts and stuff is coolio
Okay I'm done...*holds back from saying it*

So in homeroom, Mr. Eyes (ayyeee my bestie lmao) got up from his seat and wrote on the board what we were doing in class later and he wrote (yes I remembered some):

1.) Nap
2.) Nothing
3.) Read/ whatever
4.) Heads up 7 up

Hell yeah lmao

A kid asked, "are we really doing that?"

Mr. Eyes: *shrugs* Yeah, I am too lazy to teach class today

This XD oml

We didn't do that and actually had to do work but I thought it was a cool idea lmao

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