angel wings

72 11 28

My soft, pink lips displayed a thin line as innocence filled my mind

The music filled my ears, that joyful sound of peace in middle of the torchuristic pain and chaos

My curly hair tickled my cheeks as the time ticked by

Stimming and fidgeting got worse and worse

My halo glowed in a dim way

It always had I guess

Comfort and the word home...never felt it. Never had it. There was always an uneasiness.

I get taunted at

For no reason



My feathers to my wings get picked off, one by one and the silent screams just seem to pile up

Seem crazy how I am so calm, how peaceful I  look sleeping or have good times...

How happy I seem

This hell burned me and made me numb, for I can't see what love feels like

But yes, I am still an angel on Earth, the warmest heart, warmest smile, warmest soul you'll ever meet

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