Random ass rambling about you

101 11 78

How am i cute? Like....XD I mean...wait..

Okay. So you guys think I'm cute? Like I mean how am I cute when I ramble? Or say thank you? HOW IN THE HELLS WAY...okay I can see in a way..

I mean..nah can't. Is it the dimples? Is it for a fact I have a stuff animal that I love dearly and hugs it when I watch scary ass shit in the dark? Is it the fact I like to waddle on purpose and make people laugh? Is it the fact I ramble? My smile? My writing and imagining a wierd tall girl ackwardly talking and smiling as I talk?

I have no clue. At all.

Like....maybe my cuteness was just there since the start...

You people make me paroniod lmao

Also, I love you peeps. Very supportive and I love the new nicknames lmao I like reading comments and just seeing like "Hey ..ugly ass troll" (you thought I was gonna say something nice like you always say? Nah) and it makes me smile... honestly.

You guys make me better. Like someone actually cares. Actually there. Peoples, your making me emotional lmao

I feel like you are all slowly making a pact to like to protect me.

I love you lmao

Also, I am making a long story time about bathrooms in public, get ready....XD and one about why I don't sled anymore and have a fear lmao

Very funny, very honest, very true

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