oml lil shit at it again

157 9 146

I am so sorry for my vulgar mouth lmao

I can tell you, you might think this is bad, but you have to hear my friends...they legit make me wanna drink bleach and clear my ears out.

Anyways, so lil and I have more than one fight before in our life times.....and it usually ends with our mom makes us separate but not this time.

Tonight, we ate pizza (yum)

Anyways, I was eating my like third slice

Shithead: ew your fat

Me: at least I have meat on my body

Him: yeah but you are

Me: okay, look at you, you should eat more skinny ass

Him: I am 99 pounds, I don't n-

Me: yes you do you fucking feather

Him: you have fat bones fatty

Me:  get your skinny bird cage fucking boney ass bitch out of here

Him: no! You!

Me: *I called him a cuss word that starts with a c and ends with a t, I do that alot*  I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts

Him: your not fresh, your fat

Me: nope suck my nuts

And then I went upstairs.

Also, earlier lil shit was testing his living lmao

He like..bothered me in a way and I think he hit me and I legit smacked him in the face hard

Him: you talking about me?!? Look at you!

Me: it is called a bitch slap for a lil bitch!

That's how our fights are....we are really bad lmao


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