Chapter 27

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YOOOOOOO I JUST HAD TO TAKE THIS TIME OUT TO THANK Y'ALL!!! This book is NUMBER 1 under the "wes" tag!?! NO FREAKIN WAY!!! I'm literally crying at 2am, y'all. I'm so freakin touched and so happy. Thank you guys so so so much, seriously. It means the world that I can express myself on a platform such as this and people actually like it. I'm sorry if my posting schedule isn't what you would like for it to be, but I'm trying, I promise!!

(Now back to your not-so-regularly scheduled program)

You, Wes, Joven and his now fiancé, Kathrine, stood in the living room looking at all the boxes that lay around. Joven was moving out, which would mean that there would be an open room in the house. Of course you would miss him. But you were glad that he was happy.

"So Kathrine, have you started planning anything yet?" You asked as you all sat down. Joven and Kat were sitting on the couch while Wes was in the chair and you were sitting on the arm of the chair, sipping a small cup of warm tea because your throat had started to feel sore.

"Of course I have! Are you kidding me? I'm about to marry the love of my life. Even if it's small no matter what happens I know it will be perfect no matter what." She said as she smiled at Joven. A loud horn could be heard from outside, indicating that the moving truck was there.

"Well guys. This is it." Joven said as him and Kat stood up from the couch. You hugged the both of them goodbye.

"You two are always welcome at the house, okay?" Kat said as she made her way to the door, Joven following close behind carrying two large boxes.

"Of course, Jovie." You said, smiling as you picked up two boxes and carried them out the door that Kat was now holding.


You and Wes sat alone on the couch cuddled up and watching your favorite show on Netflix. Just the two of you for the first time in a while. It felt... right? Peaceful, maybe? Until his phone went off.

"Who is it?" You asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"It's Boze. She wants to know if I can go over to her house and play some video games." He asked, sounding slightly nervous.

"Of course you can, why wouldn't you be able to? It's not like we're doing anything." You said, shrugged your shoulders and sitting up. The idea of being alone in the apartment kind of fascinated you. Of course, when you were sick you were alone most of the day, but you were also sleeping the entire time. Wes glanced down at you.

"But maybe I don't want to go. Maybe I want to stay here with the most beautiful girl I've ever met." He said, smiling. You blushed slightly.

"I don't see anyone else in here...." You said jokingly. You both laughed.

"I was talking about you." He said as he kissed your forehead.

"I know you were, I was just joking around with you." You stood up and walked to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Wes laughed.

"I'm just going to tell her that I can't go. Unless you want to come too." He said as he walked into the kitchen to watch what you were doing.

"Nah. I'm good. You know Boze and I can't play games against each other." You admitted. Wes looked at you confused, so you decided to explain yourself. "We always end up arguing about the most stupid of things. Like, last time we played Mortal Kombat, we almost got into a fist fight. She was mad because I kept winning, so I told her that maybe if she was actually good at her job then maybe she would beat me." You said as you filled a cup full of water and grabbed a snack. You headed back over to the living room and sat down on the couch. You could feel the steam rolling off of your body, but you weren't even sure why you were so irritated. You loved Bose, she was one of your best friends when it came down to it. But when it comes to gaming against Bose, you couldn't stand her.

"Okay babe, chill out. What's with the random outburst?" He asked you. Wes walked up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders and rubbed them, helping you calm down. You took some deep breaths before responding.

"I don't know, honestly... I just feel really irritated at the moment... most likely just mood swings. I'm sorry." You said as you looked at him. You placed your hand of top of his. He intertwined his fingers with your own and kissed your forehead.

"It's okay."

"It's not okay though. I feel like I've been acting really weird since we got back from Summer Games..."

"You're still the same old you. The only difference is that instead of just editing, you're actually part of the crew now. You get to be in the videos, and go places with the other Smosh Games members. It may not seem like it but it can be very stressful, (Y/n). And you are a very strong woman to be taking it all in so quickly. I would expect for you to be stressed out sometimes, if not all the time." Wes said with a smile. You had almost begun tearing up at how soft and kind his words were towards you. You wrapped your arms around his waist and thanked him. He always knew exactly how to comfort you when you needed it.

"I love you, Wesley Johnson."

"I love you too, (Y/n) (L/n)."

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now