Chapter 5

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You walked out of the building and glanced up at the sky. It was almost pitch black. You could hear the sounds of distant rumbling.

"Oh wow..." You said to the storm, nervousness showing on your face as your eyes widened. Wes was slightly ahead of you and widening the gap.

"What? Do you not like storms?" Wes asked. You shook your head violently. Wes stopped in his tracks, causing you to look up at him. You had your own hands intertwined with each other behind your back. You squeezed your hands together so tight that your knuckles began to turn white. Wes walked up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"(Y/n), there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm right here beside you, okay?" You nodded your head. Wes pulled you in for a tight hug, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You relaxed at the feeling of his body heat. You let go of your own hands and snaked them around Wes, hugging him back. You stood like that for a while until the peace was broken by your phone vibrating. You took it out of your pocket. It was Rhonie again:

'Hurry the hell up. You're slower than my fucking grandmother.'

You frowned at your phone for breaking the embrace and looked up at Wes as he pretended not to read the message. He nodded and the both of you made your way to his car. You watched as Wes took out his keys and hit the unlock button on his key chain. You walked up to the passenger door, him to the drivers, and got in. He slid the key into the ignition and turned it on. The engine softly purred to life. You leaned against the center console with your knees up to your chest. You rested your arm on the center console and your other hand gripped your ankles.

"You ready?" He asked, placing his hand on your forearm that rested on the center console to comfort you.

"I-I guess." You stuttered, causing Wes to laugh lightly. He lifted his hand off of the steering wheel.

"I'm right here." He pointed to the office building, "If you need anything just call, alright?" You nodded and smiled in responce. While he talked, he occasionally rubbed his thumb against your arm, causing you to get goosebumps. He lifted his hand away, taking his warmth with it, and placed both of his hands on the steering wheel. He backed out of his parking space and pulled onto the road. You saw lightning strike into the distance, causing you to jump back into your seat, your eyes growing wide. Wes glanced over at you with an expression of worry. He, once again, placed his hand on your forearm. You almost instantly felt comforted as your shoulders untenced themselves. Another lightning strike, and you jumped again, your hand jumping to Wes', gripping it tightly. You felt tears well up in your eyes.

"It's alright, (Y/n)," Wes flipped his hand over and intertwined his fingers with yours, causing your grip to relax slightly. You glance over at him, a tear escaping your left eye, "I'm right here." He reassured you. You smiled, weakly, turning your attention back to the storm ahead.

"I-I thought it d-didnt ra-ain much in-n LA..." You stuttered out.

"It doesn't." He confessed, "but you'll be alright. You've got me here with you." He rubbed his thumb against your hand. You, again, smiled weakly.


After about 15-20 minutes, you arrived outside of your brothers apartment.

"Thank you Wes..." You smiled weakly as you opened the door, your cheeks covered in stains from your tears.

"You're welcome, (Y/n). Don't forget, if you need anything I'm just one phone call away." He said reassuring you. You nodded, letting go of his warm hand. You stepped out of the car, closing it behind you, and quickly ran into your brothers apartment through the rain. You turned around once you got to the door and waved. Wes waved back, driving back to the office. You smiled, remembering what had just happened. You blushed a slight rose color.

The door behind you swung open and your brother was holding a baseball bat. You jumped.

"Oh, (Y/n). It was just you. Who was that?" He said, setting the bat down beside the door.

"It was a friend of mine that I met during my interview last week." You reassured.


The sound of lightning hitting behind you made you jump. Tommy grabbed onto you, pulling you into a tight hug.

"Come on, it's okay." He said, pulling you into the apartment and shutting the door behind him. He let go of you and you slid your now wet shoes off, leaving them beside the door.

"Rhonie made chicken and rice so you can come help yourself." He said as he walked into the kitchen. You followed behind him, smelling the food from the livingroom.

"It smells good..." You said just loud enough for her to hear.

"Thank you, (Y/n). I was starting to get worried." You faked a smile, knowing it was all an act for Tommy.

"Yeah, sorry. I was going by the office I applied for and my friend that works there decided to bring me inside." You said, a small blush rising on your face as you remembered the ride home once again.

"Well, I'm glad you made friends." She said with a wide smile. You knew she was trying to get on your nerves, and it was working.

"Thank you, it's nice to know you care for once." You gave her a sarcastic smerk. She looked back at you, anger in her eyes.

"Alright lady's, break it up." Tommy interjected, "(Y/n), what she is trying to say is that she is proud of you. We both are." He said, giving Rhonie the 'knock it off' face. You smiled at your brother and sat down at the round table. You grabbed the plate sitting in front of you and piled on some food, leaving plenty for the other two. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, it was an email from Smosh Games:

'We would like the thank everyone who participated in our interviews. If you received this email you have a high chance of getting the job. We will be calling the one who got it from one of our office numbers. Once again, thank you everyone who participated!' You got an excited smile on your face.

"What's all the excitement about?" Tommy asked. You quickly shoveled food into your mouth.

"I migh hab a job." You said, your mouth full. Rhonie got a similar excited smile.

"Congratulations! Does that mean your not going home?" She asked, her second question sounding a bit snappy.

"I-If I get the job, no! But, don't worry about it, if I get the job I'll move out as soon as possible." Rhonie let out a breath that you hadn't noticed she was holding.

"Oh thank the lord..." She said. You smiled at her.

"Don't thank the lord yet. I haven't gotten any calls." You said, your phone vibrated, causing you to jump. You looked at your phone screen, it was Wes texting you:

'Did you get the email?' He questioned. You quickly replied:


He replyed with clapping emojis. You smiled. You sat your phone on the table, praying for a call.

As you quickly shovel more food in your mouth, your phone starts to vibrate, playing your ringtone.

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora