Chapter 17

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**Two Months Later**

Your phone rang. Matt Rhab was calling you.

"Hey Matt Rhab. What's up?" You said, placing the dishes in the sink that you were washing.

"Smosh Summer Games is coming up next week, are you joining us?" You thought for a second as Wes walked in the room.

"Of course, I don't see why not. It sounds like fun!" You said, sounding excited. Wes gave you a confused smile and walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you and putting his ear close to the phone so he could hear as well.

"Good to hear, pack your bags! See you at work tomorrow." Matt hung up after you said goodbye. You looked up at Wes.

"It was Matt Rhab. He asked me to join in for Summer Games." You smiled. He smiled back. You say your phone down on the counter.

"That's great news! I hope we're on the same team." He said, hugging you tightly.

"I hope we're on different teams," You wiggles out of his grasp and bolted out of his reach, "so I can kick your ass." You stuck your tounge out.

"Oh, so you want to play that game?" He said, walking closer to you. You ran out to the livingroom and hid behind the couch.

"Come out here, (Y/n)~" He said, walking around. He walked over to the couch and stood in front of it, facing away from it. You climbed over the back of the couch and jumped on his back, wrapping your arms and legs around him. He let put a small yelp and attempted to turn around.

"I win!" You teased, kissing him on the cheek. You jump off of his back and ran back the hallway to his room, face planting down on the bed. You heard his phone go off. You look at his phone screen and see a message from an unknown number.

'Who the hell...' You grabbed his phone, assuming he would grab yours from the kitchen.

"Hey, (Y/n). I'm going to stream, want to join?" You  looked away from his phone and nodded, following him into the gaming room. It branched off of the kitchen. There were two computers, one you was Joven's and the other, obviously, Wes'. He jumped into his chair and turned his computer on. You sat on his lap and watched as he started up the software he used for streaming. He started up twitch as well.

"Go ahead and sign into Joven's computer, I doubt he'll care." You nodded, climbing off of his lap and into Joven's computer chair, starting his computer up.

"Want to play some GTA or something?" You asked, he nodded. He started up GTA and so did you. You decided just to use Joven's steam because you were too lazy to sign out and sign back in. He started the stream.

"What's up guys! I'm here with (Y/n) and we are going to be streaming some GTA for you guys. While I'm tweeting this out why don't you say hi, (Y/n)?" He smiled over at you. You pushed your chair over to where you were just in view of the camera and waved.

"Hi guys!" You smiled and pushed your chair back over to Joven's computer.

"Okay. Tweet sent. So, (Y/n). What do you want to do?"

"Why not a hiest?" You asked, he smiled at you.

"Sounds like a plan." You found his gamer tag and invited him to a game. You watched as the chat blew up on his second screen.

"Are you playing as Joven?" He said, laughing. He looked over at you again.

"I was too lazy to sign out." You said, laughing as well. He joined your game so you could start the hiest. You decided to join the twitch chat so you could see what everyone was saying. You saw a few comments saying stuff along the lines of:

"Hey (Y/n)!"

"Omg! (Y/n)! You slay my life!"



You laughed at all the comments. You shouted out a few people and said hey to them individually.

"Are you in the game yet?" You asked. Wes nodded. You met up with him at Joven's in-game apartment. You started up the hiest.


"Why are all of Joven's cars pink?" You asked, laughing. Wes laughed as well.

"Let's just say Ian happened." You looked at him and laughed. His smile causing you to smile back.


"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THIS SHIT!!" You yelled as you kept getting shot as you were doing the hiest.

"Calm down, (Y/n)." Wes said, laughing, "We have to keep it PG for the children." He continued laughing at your rage. You had been streaming for about a hour and a half now and the hiest missions had progressively gotten worse.

"Well guys, (Y/n) seems extremely irritated and I'm getting tired. So I love you guys. Have a good rest of your day." He ended the stream and you just sat there watching him, smiling contently. He looked at you and smiled.

"What?" He said, chuckling a little.

"How did I get so lucky?" You said, still looking up at Wes.

"What do you mean?" He said, looking at you. You got up out of the chair and sat on Wes' lap. You cuddled up to his chest.

"I mean, how did a girl like me from a small town end up with someone like you? You're part of one of the largest YouTube channels. And I'm just... me. I mean, I tried being a Youtuber but I never got passed 100 subscribers and I didn't have the right equipment to do hardly anything. And you're... fucking hot as hell and I'm just... meh..." Wes looked down at you. He ran his fingers through his own hair. Wes wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.

"(Y/n). If anything. I'm lucky to have you." You smiled and gave a soft huff. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cuddled him.

"I love you Wesley... so much..." You felt as your eyes got droopy. You could feel Wes' heartbeat quicken through his chest and it oddly calmed you. You quickly fell asleep.

Wes' Point Of View.

"I love you Wesley... so much..." I watched as her eyes glossed over and grew tired. She shut her eyes and her breathing slowed.

"I love you too, (Y/n)..." I replyed. I waited until I was sure she was asleep and I turned off both of the computers and grabbed my phone. I snapped a quick picture and sent it to her with the caption:

"This is what happens when you fall asleep on me." With a winky emoji. I carefully picked her up, grabbing her phone as well. I carried her and our phones to my room. I sat her down on the bed and plugged in our phones. I smiled when I saw what she had my contact name under. It was Baby with some hearts after it. I chuckled to myself. I laid down beside her. I covered her with the blanket as well as myself. I laid on my back thinking about what she said to me.

'She actually fell for me...' I thought, a smile making its way to my face. I closed my eyes, getting more comfortable. I felt the bed shift as she rolled over and got comfortable as well. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking down at her. I moved her hair out of her face gently with my finger tips and kissed her gently on the temple.

"Goodnight princess."

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now