Chapter 2

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  "(Y/n)! Time to go!" Tommy yelled into your room. You glance over at your phone and notice that you never set your alarm. You got up, your mind still asleep, remembering what day it was. You quickly put on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, knowing you would want to fly in something comfortable. You grabbed your suitcase out of your closet and made your way to the door, brushing your hair in the process.

"You ready?" He said. You nodded and walked outside, holding the door open for Tommy. You reached back in the door, grabbing your shoes in the process. You yelled your goodbyes and I love you's to the rest of your family and quickly made your way to the car, brushing your hair and tying it into a loose bun.

"Did you miss your alarm?" He asked. You nodded, not wanting to admit that you completely forgot to set one in the first place.

As you got closer and closer to the airport, your stomach began to turn. You were nervous. You had never flown on a plane before. Even when you went to college you had drove to campus just so you had your car with you.

"So, is there anything specific you want to do in LA?"

"Well, I actually want to try and find a job, of course. There is this place I know of that's hiring and needs a video and image editor so I thought I would try it out." You said with a confident smile as Tommy pulled into the parking lot. You started thinking about the interview. You got excited. You couldn't wait to have the chance to work at the Smosh offices!

You got out of the car, grabbing your bags and heading inside. (I've never been in an airport so bare with me.)

"Flight 654 to Los Angeles." Your brother guides you to the entrance. You place your bags on the luggage drop, passing through security, and made your way to the plane faster than you had expected. You get on, taking your seat in the back of the plane next to the window. You stare out the window as more people make their way onto the plane.

"Excuse me, Mr. (L/n)? You and your associate's seats have been upgraded to first class. Please follow me to your seats." You hear people groan as you make your way to the front of the plane. Your phone vibrates as you get a text from Tiffany saying "You're welcome!" with a winky face emoji. You smile, typing thank you for a response. You turn your phone off as the plane begins to take off. The soft breeze of the vent blowing in your face and the now more comfortable seats, you quickly fall asleep.


The plane landed and your brother lead you to baggage claim, here you grabbed your suitcase and made your way out of the airport, rubbing your now aching neck in the process. You saw a mob of people crowding the exit. So you wait calmly.

"It's LAX. Quite a few celebrities use this airport. Looks like today is your lucky day. You get to see a celebrity or two." You groan. You just wanted to get to Tommy's house so you could unpack.

People started screaming and yelling, shoving on the security guards. You heard one yell "MISHA! I LOVE YOU!" And you glanced over, noticing Misha Collins walking through the doors, making his usual funny faces.

You smile. You've never seen a celebrity in concert, let alone about 200 feet in front of you. You watch as Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles walk through the door, waving. Jensen peers over in your direction, making direct eye contact with you, giving you a wink and his signature smirk. Your face becomes flushed as he laughs, Jared hitting him in the arm, waving at you, apologizing for his best friends actions. You wave back, almost jumping out of your skin. A few of the other girls turned around to face you. Some of the few gave you dirty looks, a few giving you the bird. You just glance over at your brother who found a small gap that lead out the door.

He lead you to his car, popping the trunk open with his keys. You slid your bag in the trunk, him doing the same. You climb in the passenger seat and him in the drivers. You sigh, your face still slightly tinted pink.

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz