Chapter 7

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You finally finished editing the Cell Outs episode, so it was ready for upload. You took of your headphones, setting them down on the desk. You stretched.

"Tired?" Wes said. You let out a little yawn, noticing it was about 5pm.

"Yeah, I didn't realize I was here for so long." You said, your arms resting back on your desk.

"We can head home if you want to." You looked back to your computer monitor. You didn't want to go back to your brothers house yet. You didn't want to have to deal with Rhonie yet.

"Or if you want you can come to my place instead and watch a movie or something." Wes suggested. A large smile grew on your face.

"I would love to." You replyed. You stood up out of your chair, Wes following your actions. You followed Wes to the door, everyone that was still there saying goodbye as you left.

As you walk towards Wes' car you see Rhonie's truck zoom through the parking lot and into a parking spot.

"(Y/n) (Middle/Name) (Last/Name)!" She said, sounding angry as she climbed out of the drivers seat, slamming the door behind her.

"Y-Yeah?" You questioned. You've never heard her sound so angry. Wes noticed the worry in your expression. He stepped in front of you a little, like he was trying to protect you from Rhonie.

"Where the FUCK have you been!?" She screamed. You heard the door behind you open and you looked back, noticing that Joven and Lasercorn had just walked out of the office. They noticed how red Rhonie's face was and the tears that had started to form in your eyes. They walk up behind you and stand with concerned expressions in their faces. David put a hand on your shoulder to comfort you and Joven went up to stand beside Wes.

"I-I've been here... at work... I left you a n-note..." You stuttered. Her face grew more angry. Joven and Lasercorn stepped closer, putting their phones in their pockets.

"I'VE BEEN TRYING TO CALL YOU SINCE 2 'O CLOCK." She takes a few steps closer. Wes walks fully in front of you.

"I'm s-sorry..." You said, tears rolling down your face. The fact that Rhonie was so angry that she was yelling at you scared you to death. You knew she hated you, but you never thought she would ever have the ability to terrify you.

"You're lucky I ever even agreed to you moving the fuck in! You have the rest of the day to pack you're shit up and get the fuck out of my house!" She turned around and marched back to her truck, climbing in and driving off. You collapsed onto your knees. Wes bent down, wrapping his arms around you.

"It'll be okay, (Y/n). We'll figure this out, okay?" You looked up, your face covered in tears. You nodded, unable to form words.

"Wes. What if she moves in with us for a bit?" Joven suggested, kneeling down beside the both of you. He placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you.

"We don't have a spare room.. I would feel bad making her sleep on the couch..." You looked up at Wes and Joven. Their faces expressing actual concern.

"I-I'll sleep on the floor for a-all I fucking care... Just get me out of th-that fucking house..." You rested your head on Wes' chest and started crying again.

"Whatever you say, (Y/n)... let's go get your stuff, okay?" Joven looked down at you, his expression was soft. You looked up at Joven, nodding. You stood up. Wes kept his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you walked to his car. He opened the door for you and you climbed inside, buckling your seat belt. He shut the door and you leaned against it, pulling your knees up to your chest and hugging them. He walked around the front of the car, never taking his eyes off of you. He quickly climbed in the drivers seat and put on his seatbelt, turning on the ignition. He threw the car in reverse and backed out of the parking spot. He threw the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot, Joven following closely behind, as well as Lasercorn.

<DISCONTINUED> One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johnson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now