Chapter Eight: Road Trip?! (Part One)

Start from the beginning

'What, The Nightmare Before Christmas is a great movie!' I defended.

“I never said it wasn't, but Isolde?”


“Surprise!” he yelled and sprayed me with Silly String.

I ran away laughing and tried to spray him with more whipped cream. Eventually we stopped and sat on the hood of the Audi when finally a tow truck came passing through. The dude gave a lift to the closest town and told us we could pick the car up in the morning. We then walked to a motel and rented a room. Auric decided to take a shower first and I turned on the TV. I flipped through the channels until I found a channel that was playing Beauty and the Beast. I had just gotten to the part where the Beast lets Belle use the magic mirror to see her dad, when Auric popped out of the bathroom. “Really, Beauty and the Beast?” he questioned.

'What, it's a wonderful movie!' I protested.

“Do you only watch Disney movies?”

'No, but they're definitely my favorites.'

I was about to take a shower when I realized I didn't have a change of clothes. I brought this to the attention of Auric and he decided that we should go shopping, so we went to Walmart. When we got there, we grabbed a cart and then proceeded to ransack every aisle for shit that we needed. In the end, we came out with three hundred dollars worth of food, clothes, and dvds.

We finally got back to the motel and I took a shower and changed into some of the new pajamas I had bought. When I came out of the bathroom Auric was watching Tangled which I made him buy for me since he made fun of my love for Disney.

I crawled under the covers on the bed and ended up falling asleep about halfway through the movie. I think I heard Auric whisper goodnight before I ultimately passed out.


I woke up at eleven in the morning to find I was cuddling with Auric in my sleep. I tried to move away so I could get ready, but he ended up holding me tighter. I started poking his face to try and wake him up but it was a total failure. This guy could sleep like there was no tomorrow. I sighed and then an idea came to me, a terrible idea but it was all I had. I took a deep breath and with all my strength I tried to roll us off the bed. My plan was a sort of success. I was successful in getting Auric to wake up, I was unsuccessful in the landing though since I was being crushed under Auric's ass. “I'm really sorry!” he quickly said getting off of me and helping me up.

'It's fine.' I wrote on a piece of paper.

“I highly doubt that since I crushed you with all of my body weight.” he replied. I shrugged and somehow we ended up on the bed with him straddling me...again.

This seems to be a recurring thing with Auric. For some reason though, I started blushing and it made Auric chuckle which made me blush even more. Then, our lips somehow found each other and we were kissing. I thought he would have morning breath, but his lips tasted like spearmint and they were soft. So very soft. Then I remembered that night and I felt the tears spring to my eyes. I pushed Auric away and ran into the bathroom while locking the door behind me.

I sank to the ground with Auric banging on the door saying he was sorry. He had nothing to be sorry for, I was the one that should be sorry. I will taint him if we get too close. I'm dirty and disgusting while he's not. He deserves someone better than me, someone that can bring him happiness rather than destruction.

At some point I ended up curling into a ball on the floor and Auric left to get the car. I don't know how long I stayed like that, but at some point Auric lock picked the door and picked me up and putting me in the car.


“Bowling.” he said an hour into the drive to God knows where.

'What?' I typed into my phone.

“We're going bowling.” he announced, “And don't ask any questions.”

I looked at him like he was crazy but after a few minutes I decided to just stare out the window and watch the scenery fly by. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Auric was shaking me awake in front of a bowling alley. Auric paid for the game and we got our shoes and walked to our lane. The lights were also off so everything was glow in the dark which was pretty cool. By the fifth round I had perked up and was smiling again. I sat down after getting my fifth strike in a row and started to nibble on Auric's slice of pepperoni pizza. “Hey! Why the hell are you eating my pizza?” he asked with a smile on his face.

'I was hungry.' I replied with a smirk.

“I asked you if you wanted some earlier and you said no!” he replied while laughing.

'Well...I wasn't hungry then.' I said with a shrug and went to take my next turn.

We continued bowling until one in the morning when the bowling alley closed. I ended up winning five out of seven games and let's just say Auric wasn't too happy about losing. “Are you sure, like one hundred percent positive you've never been bowling before?” he asked me as we stopped at a gas station. I nodded my head and he sighed while he finished fueling up the car.

I giggled as he got back into the car grumbling that he should have used the bumpers. The little cheater. We drove for about another hour before we stopped at another motel and rented a room. To be honest, we had no clue where we were going but we still had twelve days before we had to get back home so we'd figure it out eventually. I fell asleep with the thought that I didn't really care where we went as long as it was with Auric. However, I had no fucking clue what the next few days would bring.


A/N: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I finally got this chapter done and it was soooo much fun to write. Auric has taken Isolde on an adventure that I wish I could be a part of. Anyone want to go on a road trip with Anyway, this is not the end of the road trip guys there's a part two coming...and maybe a part three I'm not sure yet. Oh and if I seem to sound weird in this author's note it's because I finally got sleeping pills for my insomnia so I'm basically falling over right now, but that's okay because I actually sleep now which is fucking great. So comment, vote, and follow and part two will be up soonish because I have ideas which is fucking great. Anyway, I'm gonna go pass out for about six hours so byeeeeeeeeee ^_^

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