Chapter 35: The Date - Part II

Start from the beginning

"Thank you again for this truck Alfie; you have no idea how much it means to me."

"You're welcome, Books." He places another sweet kiss on my jaw and pats my thigh. "Come outside with me."

I follow him out of the cab back around to the bed of the truck, now able to see what he was doing as I unpacked my dinner. There is snow an inflatable mattress in the bed of the teal pickup.

My eyebrow lifts to him, trying not to smile.

He holds his hands up playfully. "I have nothing but good intentions Miss Brooks."

He holds one hand out to me to help me up into into the back of the truck. I sit on the mattress and give myself a little bounce as I laugh. This is obviously why my bag was so heavy. He opens the backpack again, pulling out first a blue fleece blanket that I recognize from his room, tossing it up to me, then his laptop.

"Jesus Jax, who are you? Mary Poppins? What else do you have in there? A lamp?"

He laughs and reaches in again, pulling out a large zip-lock bag of popped popcorn.

"Oh my god" my mouth falls open. I hold out my hands for the popped goodness. "Gimme."

He holds it back behind him. "You have to share it!"

I frantically nod my head yes as I wiggle my fingers and bounce up and down on the mattress like a child. He tosses me the bag and I quickly open it, the smell of butter and salt fills my nostrils as I scoop out a handful and shove it into my mouth.

"You Iowa girls are freaks."

"You've never complained." His eyes lift playfully to me as I giggle. "What are we watching Alfie?"

He tosses a DVD case onto the blanket and crawls up into the cab of the truck, sitting beside me on the inflated mattress.  I peer down to the first Harry Potter movie and smile.  "Ohhh Jax, you are in for a treat!"

He chuckles and gets comfortable on the mattress. Both of us lie on our stomachs with the laptop in front of us.  As Jax gets the movie ready, I place the bag of popcorn between us and cover us both with the blanket.

"Ready Books?"

I give a nod and grab another handful of popcorn, holding out my hand for Jax to grab some.  He does and happily chews as he begins the movie. 

I've seen the movie probably fifty times.  Whenever Felix, Syd and I are arguing about what we want to watch, we end up watching Harry Potter because we know we all love it. 

The movie begins, showing Hagrid drop off Harry at his Aunt and Uncle's home.  I place my head on Jax's shoulder, resting into him comfortably.  This night could not have been more perfect.  My head swims, trying to bank every moment we shared today to memory.  Every fun fact, every laugh, every tear and every kiss, I want to remember it all. 

His face turns to me, his eyes watching me laugh at the movie I know by heart.  I turn to him, seeing him smile.  I feel a familiar flip in my stomach knowing I'm the reason why he's smiling.  Jax is always hot, but when he gets a smile on his face he is irresistible.  No one turns me on like he does, the muscles, the tattoos, his smile, his tough side and his goofy side.  He's the complete package for me.  His strong jawline protrudes, changing his profile slightly, just the way I like.  The way he's looking at me tonight makes me want him even more than I normally do.  There is an ache between my legs that needs his attention.  He turns back to the laptop and I feel a pang of disappointment. 

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