part 14

71 4 0

"I need somebody now"

The walls. The walls. Help me. Its  going to crush me.

I look at Alyssa. She looks scared. Why is she scared?


I hear her voice. I cant make it out. I then start rocking back and forth, trying to keep calm. My heart racing. Racing like never before. Another tear drips.

I feel soft hands on my shoulders. Hands that would care for anybody.

I look up. I see her. I see as much as i possibly can.

I cant breath. Im going to die.

"" i hear counting off from the distance. Its soft. Its calm.

"In. Out. In. Out" i try to breath in and out.

My heart beat finnaly reaching the finish line. Its slowing down, each breath. My vision coming back. The walls stop.

I look up. I look at Alyssa. Her eyes staring at me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" i respond.

"Lets get to bed?" She looks at me.

"Y-yeah" i smile.


Thankyou guys so much for 700...Im in awe. Thank you do so much!

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