the Emperor meeting

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a/n: Well time to meet Valerian.

Sato, Horner and the others had entered a dropship and were flying towards the royal palace. Mira and Tosh had left for their ship to make sure everything was still intact.

"This place reminds me of Coruscant," Kanan said surprised.

" Coruscant?" Horner asked.

"I was the capital planet of the Republic until the Empire came," answered Kanan sadly.

"It's like this. A giant city the planet has more structures then landmass," continued Sabine.

"I see," Horner replied. what happened here?" Ezra asked seeing the destroyed structures.

"The first sing's of war this planet saw was when the Confederacy nuked the place from orbit, then came an invasion fleet from the UED and multiple alien attacks, most recent being the hybrid attack during the Endwar," Horner explained which some of them eye wide. They landed on one of the palaces hangars. As the door opened they were greeted by few marines.

"We'll take you to the emperor," one of them said.

"Thank you soldier", Horner replied. As they walked it became apparent that the palace was not completely repaired yet after the events Horner told about. They walked past a room wich had door frames bend inwards. When the rebels looked inside they saw that most of the room had blown off.

"What happened there the explosion came from inside the room?" Sabine observed.

"That is Kerrigan Queen of Blades late leader of the zerg, ended our rebellion," Horner told them. They reached a door and stopped.

"We will require you to surrender your weapons from this point on you know safety measures," the lead marine told them. Rebels hesitantly surrendered their weapons and they entered. In the middle of the room, there was a table. Behind the table, there was a young boy with blond hair. He was wearing black military looking suit with golden shoulder pads and a red cape. On his hip was what the rebels assumed to be a ceremonial sword. 

"Greetings and welcome to the Kropulu sector. I am Emperor Valerian of the Terran Dominion," He said as he stood up.

"Admiral Horner told me everything but I want to hear your story better," he continued. They sat down and the rebels told their stories. After the detailed explanations were done he just sat there.

" Emperor Valerian, I know you know what terrible has fallen over our homes you have had similar experience you can help to end all this," Sato plead.

"I see your hardship and I am truly sorry for what has happened," Valerian replied. 

"But there is still a chance for an alien invasion now that Kerrigan is not telling the zerg not to attack. Then there is Taldarim their High lord has sworn to take vengeance on the Dominion because we harmed his fleet while protecting civilians," he continued. 

"Also my people has seen so much that they deserve to live in peace, If I know put them to war once again and sent my fleets to support you we are open for a attack," he finished. 

"But the empire is all about power they will find you they will see you as a threat you will end up in this war no mater what!" Ezra yelled protesting. 

"I am truly sorry, but an emperor must put HIS peoples needs before anyone else and my people need peace as long as possible, and if they come the powers of Kropulu once again have a commom enemy to win," Valerian answered.

" I understand come we found no help here," Sato said sadly. They left the room they were given their weapons and as Ezra looked to see the emperor one last time the emperor had a face of guilt. 

"You must understand Valerian is a good man and is doing what he thinks is right," Horner told them as they walked back to the ship.

" He is right you have seen more trouble then we have it would be wrong to force you into this war," Sato replied. 

What about the other two races? Could they help us?" he continued. 

"I believe that Hierarch Artanis would like to aid you just as much we do but his race was driven to the brink of extinction I think they will just want to rebuild," Horner answered. 

"And what about the zerg?" Sabine asked.

"After Kerrigan left your better of not even asking."Horner answered.

They flew back to Hyperion and the rebels boarded the Ghost and left. They went back to their fleet and started to prepare a hyper jump.

"Well at least we know some people are living their lives whiteout the Empire," Hera said sadly. Others agreed by simply nodding.

"Commander we receiving an distress call!" a pilot yelled.

"Patch it trough!" Sato ordered.

This is (static) of (static) mining operation everything's gone wrong! the miners are being ( static) we need help now!" a panicked woman voice came trough.

"Do you have the coordinates?" asked Kanan.

"Send the call to the dominion!" ordered Sato.

"Sir we have the coordinates but dominion is already too far away!" one of the pilots said.

After a moment of thinking Sato made a decision.

"Pilots set course to those coordinates!" he ordered.

"Sir yes Sir!" pilots replied. As they set of on maximum speed in other part of the sector someone else too caught the distress call.

"We need help now!" Came the woman's recorded voice.

On a bridge of a strange ship a blond woman was listening to the recording and made a decision.

"Pilots set course for those coordinates and fast." she ordered.

"Yes ma'am." pilots replied.

a/n: Yes if some one already knows who the rebels will be joined by then good for you. I think the next two chapters are going to be in Starcraft universe and then they go back to the Star Wars universe. i'll should write the next chapter and then taek117 will write chapter 5, but anyway in the next chapter there will be some action. Have a nice day or night and we are out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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