a meeting and contacts

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020201J: You might not have picked up this from chapter 1 but this is a joint story. I and taek117 will be making this together. he's just a starting writer but he is the head handwriting of my cinema in school so he does has talent in creating stories. Please note he's not a native English speaker so sorry if some things could be written better. Without further complications let chapter 2 begin.

Admiral Matt Horner of Dominion military was having a regular day at work. Standing on Hyperions deck in orbit of Korhal looking into the stars. They had gone through a lot, they had fought against two different alien races with victories and defeats on all sides, suffered through multiple betrayals joined with old enemies to take down another one, fought back superior invasion from earth they, they went through hell and back multiple times and even joined with both alien races to stop an evil god who wanted to destroy the entire universe. He and his good friend James Raynor had survived through all of it. But now Raynor was missing. As the admiral thought of all these, alarms of Hyperion went off. "What is it?" Horner asked.

"Detecting multiple energy signatures similar to warp signatures it seems like a small fleet is exiting something similar to warp," a pilot answered.

"Weapons ready signal the fleet to not attack unless I say so!" Horner ordered. And indeed a small fleet of strange ships appeared out of nowhere.

"Hail them," Horner said. The connection was established and Horner began.

"This is Admiral Matt Horner of the Terran Dominion unidentified ships identifies yourselves," He ordered. He waited for a moment and as the silence wasn't broken Matt started to think about the opening fire but then the answer came and every one on the bridge was shocked.

A woman with green skin blue eyes and two green tentacles growing from the back of her head appeared on the screen. "This is General Hera Syndulla of Alliance military we were on a routine patrol when our hyperdrive malfunctioned throwing us here."

"What is she?" one of the pilots asked.

"Never seen a Twi'lek before?" Hera asked surprised.

"No cant say we have general," Horner replied. He saw immideatly that she wasnt telling the whole truth, but the story was acceptable.

"General I have few questions you say your a general but thats a fleet and a fleet normally has an admiral so can I speak with them, also when you said Hyperdrive did you mean Warpdrive?" Horner asked. The bridge was shocked again when a human face joined the conversation on screen. "I am comander Jun Sato I believe Hera tought you looked ready to fire if someone wouldnt respond, "The human man asked.

"Just why didnt you respond comander?" Horner asked.

"Well I was shocked to find a new planet not under the Galagtic Empires rule, answered Sato.

"Well I would like to continue this converstion in private commander," Horner said.

"Sir we have incoming transmission its... her," one of the pilots said. Sudenly a pink haired woman apeared on screen.

"Ooooh Matthew whats going on husband?" she asked with a voice that gave the a voice that made it sound that she was bored to death.

"Mira I wont say this again make sure none of your forces will go trigger happy and get onboard hyperion right now, Horner ordered."

"Ok ok I am coming," she answered and cut the conection.

"Commander I invite you to my ship to speak more privately you can take four guards with you I will have to warn you my wife is coming to I'll try to stop her from doing anything stupid," Horner told to Sato. "Understood Admiral," Sato replied as he and Hera cut the connection. "Captain Syndulla I am coming onboard the ghost lets go to talk to the admiral."

When ghost grew docked in Hyperion Sato, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb and Kanan exited. they were greeted by a man with dark skin and all white eyes wearing a black and red armor.

"I dont feel good about this guy Kanan," Ezra told to Kanan.

"I feel it too we must be careful," Kanan answered.

"Welcome to da Hyperion," the man said in deep voice.

"I'll be taking ya to da admiral," the man continued continued.

"Thank you, Mr ...? "Sato asked.

"Gabriel Tosh," the man replied as they made their way to Horner's private room.

"Ahh commander Sato I believe?" Mira said as the door opened with Sato nodded. The room was pretty small, in the middle Admiral Horner sat on a table with his wife behind him. Tosh moved behind him aswell.

"Take a seat," Horner said. Every one sat a round the table.

"Comander to be honest with you I know your general wasnt telling the whole truth," the admiral continued.

"Please please tell us. We want to know everything," said Mira kindly with a smile which Sabine thought was creeply.

"And dont even think about lying because I'll know everything in your minds," finshed Tosh causing the Jedi to look at each other for a while.

"Well...," Sato begun but was stopped by a suden spike of pain in Tosh's head


"If da good admiral here wouldnt want to be a pasifist I would rip the information from your mind," he continued.

"Tosh!" yelled the admiral. Then the pain stopped immediately.

"But he is right we need the whole truth," Horner continued. Hera, Sato, and the others turned to look Kanan for guidance.

"I belive we have no choice, he told them." Sato nodded turned to face the admiral. "Well we are most likely from a nother part of the galaxy, he begun. From where we come theres a civil war between a tyrannical Empire and us the Rebel Alliance," Sato paused for a moment then continued.

"We were talking about our next move when we were ambushed by an imperial star destroyer and had to make an emergency hyper jump which led us here," As Sato finished Horner stayed silent.

"They're speaking da truth brudah," Tosh told him, but Horner didn't answer.

"Husband...?" Mira asked slightly concerned. Horner still stays silent.

"You're not going to arest us for being rebels?" asked Ezra.

"I would if not for myself being one not too long ago," Horner grinally answered shocking the rebels.

"What do you mean?" Sabine asked with her eye brows raised.

"Terrans have seen a lot. I and my friend actually fought in two rebellions, First, being the tyrannical Confederacy when we got rid of them it came clear that the man we followed was no better than them," Horner told to the rebels.

"So we started a rebellion against the newly formed Terran Dominion," He continued.

"And at the same time we were at war with two alien races the Protoss and the Zerg," Horner kept telling them which surprised them even more. "Well eventually, we got rid of the emperor and his son who wanted to redeem himself for his father's wrongs stepped in his place," Horner concluded.

"If you have had this kind of experience your self then you could help us," Ezra said hope in his eyes.

"That's up to da Emperor Valerian to decide," Tosh answered.

Then could we meet this emperor of yours, asked Sato. I will arrange a meeting," Horner answered.

020201J: That took longer than expected. up next the rebels will meet with Valerian Mengsk. taek might write that chapter too seeing how it was supposed to be a part of this chapter, but well see. Till then both 020201j, and taek out.

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