Sincerely, Adam.

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Hi! I'm Adam. Yeah, as you know or may not know, I'm Nyna's younger brother.

I'm here to tell you few stories.

After the incident happened at Noah's place, I'm here to clear things up. So many questions running through my head & of course, you did too. Right?

What happened to Nyna?

What happened to Noah?

What happened to Sara?

First thing first, about Sara, yeah she's dead. My condolence goes to her family. Really badly injured involving part of her skull & head and unfortunately, she cannot be save anymore. She died immediately after gets shot from a very near distance around her head. Now she's gone and i think it might be connected with what had happened to my sister right now.

Secondly, our prince charming, Sir Noah. Right now, all I can say is, he's having his treatment. Mental treatment for his better life. It's been 3 years since that incident happened & i know he is doing his best to recover. Mark my words, he is sick and yes, we, as a large community around him didn't even get any sign or anything about what happened in his mind, we never ask a question like, is he okay? Yeah, people diagnosed with mental illness is actually quite normal from their outside perspective, but in the inside, nobody knows. Only real people and people who actually close to him knows what it's like to be a non-mentally stable person. Anybody in this world don't deserves to be and to face this mess. People like Noah actually really needs our help. Just please don't mess with their feeling. If you still cannot do anything helpful just please, ignore them.

Last but not least, about my lovely sister; Nyna. She's traumatized. And from what I believe she is still recovering. All i can say is she's having a few problems between her reality and fantasy mind. It's been 3 years after watching her own best of friend died right infront both of her eyes, she still couldn't take it. It just like a nightmare to her. Almost every day and night, she's screaming, crying out loud, or maybe even hurts herself for not defending her bestfriend from being shot by his boyfriend, Noah. Right now, she's in stable condition but under medicine control or else, she becomes hallucinating about things that never happened in real life. If she's forget to take her daily medicine, she would bang her head against the wall, cut herself out using sharp razor or even bad, she's would hang herself at chandelier but thankfully it's just one time thing. If she becomes aggressive, mama and papa got no choice by sending her to the specialist hospital. The doctor will give her the Anti-Depression pills and tightening up both of her hands. The first things that came from her mouth after recovering from her "deep sleep" is "where is Sara?". This thing keep on repeating itself from past 3 years. When it's time to be extra aggressive, we cannot help but calling the securities to handle her roughness. But we didn't loose our hope. There must be a miracle one day. I hope and pray for my sister will getting better & recovers herself from his nightmare as soon as possible! I love you sissy.



Author's Note:
Thank you for all the good supports I received from last couple of months even though I'm such an ass for a very late update. I think I'm going to end this book here! Thank you thank you thank you! I love each and everyone of you who makes this book getting much attention than it's really deserved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! See you guys on my next book! Goodbye! xx


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