Niall nodded and walked me to my room and smiled at me. “Niall you have to turn around I need to get dressed.” I chuckled picking out skinny jeans and a blue long sleeved shirt. Niall smirked at me crossing his arms.

“Nah I’m good right here.” Niall couldn’t keep a straight face and laughed throwing his head back and clapping his hands. He turned around.

“Pervert” I whispered Niall laughed hearing what I stated. I changed close taking out my converse and putting them on. “Niall you can turn around now.” Turning around he smiled sleepily.

Walking to his car he drove us to the doctor’s office. He said he’d pick me up and I left waving goodbye. I entered the office and walked into the office and waited for my new doctor.

He won’t be any better Payton, I’ll just kill him in the end. I grabbed my head shacking it back and forth please just leave. I didn’t want to deal with him right now.

The door opened and a man walked in, he looked to be around my age. And then I noticed something, it was Niall’s friend Louis. He seemed to notice me as well and smiled.

“Well Payton small world.” His voice was light and kind not noticing my probably awful appearance.

Louis settled with black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt his arms accompanied with an oversized jean jacket. He sat down in the chair and warmly smiled at me again. “Okay so basically I’m going to be your second mind in a way. If anything troubles you, you can come to me. We don’t know much about one another and I’d like to keep it that way.” He paused taking some files off his desk and throwing them in the small trash been.

“It’s easier to talk to a stranger than a friend, stranger’s knowing nothing about you so they can’t easily judge.” He finished clasping his hands together. I shuffled in my seat and crossed my legs.

“Listen Mr. Tomlinson” Louis stopped me holding his small hand up.

“Louis, call me Louis, I feel old when you call me Mr. Tomlinson and I am only two years older than you.

I nodded and switched back and forth from looking at the walls. They seemed so different now, pictures of soccer players stuck to the wall and the beautiful library that covered the two walls were gone and trophies and pictures of family and friends replaced them.

“Louis I really don’t believe this will work. You’re friends with Niall, it’ll be weird.” My voice was hushed and quiet as I played with my fingers.

He nodded understandingly, “I know but I won’t tell Niall anything I promise and even if I did he wouldn’t care. You guys are too good of friends for something as simple as this, ruin it.” Louis sounded older now, he was always one to goof around here and there trying to keep the mood light.

Never had I heard him be so serious it did not shock me much though, he always seemed to be who could be very serious when he can and wants to be. Louis looked around for a moment silence took over the small office before he began talking again.

“Listen I looked through your file for a while just so I know if you truly belong here. I am going to tell you the truth here, Payton you need to face the facts the man you say you see is a fragment of your imagination.” He did not say it coldly but I took it rudely.

“A fragment of my imagination does not kill people and hurt me. It does not haunt my dreams with murders it’s done. The Boogeyman is real.” My small voice was cold as I glared at the ground. Louis noticed this and wrote some things down.

So this is how it’s going to be.

“Payton, you need to understand something, some people.” Louis paused- thinking about how to put the words together. “They blame others for what they have done, and some people have two sides of them.” He didn’t have to say anything else, I knew what he was saying and I couldn’t believe he thought that.

“I did not do those cruel things.” I groaned, another person does not believe me.

“Payton did you kill Dr. Dan?” Louis asked taking his hands and reaching for mine that settled on the desk. His hands were cold and fit around mine, I was surprised that his hands were bigger than mine.

Louis was a small man, less than 5’9 maybe he was 5’7. He used to be taller than Niall but Niall hit a growth spurt and now the tables turned.

I thought about his question, We killed him Payton, we killed him  I shook my head to him no I did not he did, not me and him.

“No, I didn’t.” I simply stated. Louis nodded writing more things down on a paper, I sneaked a peak trying to see what he was writing but his penmanship was horrible and unreadable.

“Okay, and why do you believe you did not kill him?” I scrunched my nose as I thought a habit I had.

I saw what he did but I barely remember it, all I remember was seeing the knife drive through his heart and his eye balls being stabbed after words. It was a terrible dream, saying it was a nightmare would be an understatement.

“It was a dream I did not do it.” My answers were short but Louis did not care, he probably believed it was good I was making somewhat of an effort to talk to him.

“Okay, well I will see what I can do about your nightmares. See you Friday Payton.” Louis got up as I did and hugged me nudging his hands around my hips. He was somewhat taller than me I was on my toes when I nudged my head in the crock of his neck.

“Louis please don’t tell Niall about this.” I whispered quietly my voice shaky.

Louis pulled away from the hug and opened the door, “I won’t Payton.”

I walked out and waited for Niall, I smiled for a moment till his voice returned. What a liar.


Not the scariest chapter, do you think she murdered Dr. Dan? Do you think something is wrong with her?

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Thank you Sure_Niall_ for the beautiful cover


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