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|Sleeping Pills|

Chucking the keys onto the table I walked over to my small living room. I left after Dr. Dan and I had that small disagreement, he gave me the pills and I walked out. Everyone was staring at me I knew that the thoughts in their minds were about me.

“She killed her friends.” One whispered loudly, it sickened me.

They don’t know what the hell I go through and they never will. Or they might. It depends really whether or not the Boogeyman decides he’s had enough of the impolite human. He often thought all humans were terrible and cruel and in the end he would be right.

Everyone has bad, in them and I seemed to be looking for everyone’s bad side. Even Niall’s at times I often wondered what secrets hid behind all the smiles and laughs. Not everyone is happy twenty four seven.

I didn’t like my house; it held memoires that never left. The boards squeaked at night and the doors would rattle. The curtains took away the light and death seemed to come to this house like a bug to a light.

Niall is the only one who has survived a night in this old cursed house. He said he heard nothing, no boards that would squeak to warn you of someone’s presence. No rattling coming from every closet- it seemed like a normal house to him.

He did not see the creepy smile of the murder when you stared in the mirror. He did not see what hid behind the curtain. I tried to move, I’ve moved twice and he follows, I thought I was alone for a while but I wasn’t.

He kept quiet taking in his new surroundings. The sun was crawling down from the sky and the moon was rocketing up into the dark sky. This was the time of day I dreaded, the time where everything changed.

The atmosphere would change, the lights would flicker. It was horror. My home phone rung making me jump, reaching for the phone I answered it. “Hello?” I cleared my throat after I noticed my voice was horsed. It was silent for a moment; the only noise was my breathing.

“Ah yes Miss. Tills I am Mrs. Gande I called to tell you to take your sleeping pills. Dr. Dan says they will help with whatever the case is, I suggest you listen. I know you do not like it here but we are trying to help.” Mrs. Gande’s voice was calm and mellow like always.

I knew her, she always gave me a fake smile when I walked into the office. I could tell she was trying to hide the fact she knew why I was there. They all thought I was mad that I belonged in an asylum.

I did not know how to reply, so I hung up. What was one pill going to do anyways and I missed the feeling of a great night sleep. Maybe Niall would like the pills so he could sleep, he says pills never really work but it’s not like I’m going to take all these pills.

I got off the couch and walked into my room, my room wasn’t small but it wasn’t big either.  A bed was put in the corner and a dress was on a wall. It was a normal bedroom like any other, the only thing that was different was the wood that covered the closet.

My clothes were scattered across the room, the closet was patched up with wood that was hammered there last month. I thought it would help him keep inside but it made him madder. He moved on to leaving under my bed his claw like hands could be felt on my ankles when I got up from being on my bed.

I sat down on the bed waiting for the night to come and take over. My breathing was heavy knowing I was ready to see his eyes, his eyes were as black as coal. His claws as sharp as needles and his mouth stitched up with a needle and thread.

He could still talk, his deep spine chilling growls would echo through your thoughts.

The clock ticked by and the sun crawled away, the air changed and the boards whined and the closet door rattled the wood that boarded up the closet shook. The sound of someone banging on the inside was heard and the sound of his claws dragging on the wood floor under my bed startled me.

I searched in my pocket taking the orange bottle in my hands and taking the pills out. I wanted to sleep. I took a pill or two and waited for them to start.

“You cannot escape me Payton.” A cold voice snickered rudely. I pulled my legs close to me making sure he could not drag me under; I pulled my hands away from the edge of the bed. The sound of small heals clicking around my bed got louder by the second.

“It has only just begun.” He growled, his eyes could be seen even though they were black his skin white as snow. He reminded me of Slenderman with his sneaky moves that seemed to make your heart want to burst.

I shook my head at the voice, he felt close like he was right beside my bed. That was the thing he could not get on the bed, only beside it or under it, never on it.

“They all think you are mad, Mr. Dan believes you are a murder, if only he knew.” The voice got quieter closer to the end and for a moment it was quiet.

The pills began to kick in I could finally close my eyes. His presence could be felt, and I knew that the eerie smirk he always held was plastered on his sewn up mouth.

“He will pay Payton he should know it is my doing- not yours.”


I updated! So this book will be part of a series of books called Monsters. This is the first book in that series. Please don’t forget to comment vote and share, when you comment I know if you like the book or not.

I know the picture to the side doesn’t have Harry’s mouth stitched up but I couldn’t find one lol.

If you are confused don’t forget to ask :)


 (It's Friday the thirteenth!!)

The Boogeyman || h.s✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ