when in a call with T at 6 in the morning

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This is Tiny btw

T: What do you call a Spanish speaking horse?

T: A uno-corn

couple minutes later

T: Everyone in out group chat is mild salsa. Except Val Val is siracha 

Couple minutes late

T: Im gonna legally change my name so people have to call me daddy

Me: T no ones even gonna call you that if you did that

T: You know how they call out names at a restaurant 

Val: Ya

T: Imagine them going i have a meal for Daddy

Couple minutes later

T: Val

T: Val do you have any food

Val: Hmmm

T: Do you have anyfood

Val: What

T: Food!

Couple minutes later

T: what if the reason we haven't found Narnia is because we have been looking in our closets when we should be looking in our fridges

Couple Minutes Later

T: I wonder if there a butt piercing...I mean there's  piercings of everything else

Val: You could get a tattoo

T: I know you can get piercings near your butt 

T: I also don't understand nipple piercings 

T: I bet they would hurt

Me and Val: Ya 

T: oh my god have you seen that gut who weight lifts stuff with his nipple

T: Do your nipples even have muscle

Val: Its probably tishue

Couple Minutes Later

T: * Is looking directly into the camera well smiling * Hi...I am Obama

T: I feel like if i had to compare myself to a potato chip i would be Lays classic obv

Val: wHAT IF YOU WHERE A vegetable 


Val: Thats a fruit

T: Oh i would be a sack of potatoes

Val: Oh yay well be potato together

T: I feel like your more of a yam

T: Oh my god can you inject pumpkin spice latte i bet white girls do that like if you ask a white girl what her drug of choose would be she would be like pumpkin spice latte

Couple Minutes Later

Me: * Me in my head * He keeps saying daddy make it stop

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