god woman

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hi its mason

Tiny: but i though you said that we were going to have her find out over text.

me: no that is not what i said i said...

Tiny:but no i though we were going to have bay find out over text.

Me:tiny let me talk.

Tiny:but now you are saying you want to do this well i'm confused.

Me: WILL YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE MINUET WOMAN!! you can say what you thought it was and then i will say how i want it to go, god woman.

Kai:you two fight like a married couple.

A/N so me and tiny are working on a book together and when we come up with ideas we both think of it two different ways and this is usually how it goes and then we work out what we are going to do well kai was able to witness one of these fights.

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