Chapter 11- James Bond Is Going To Come And Take Me To Space Prison.

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Great, just great.

I stare at the wall lost in sarcastic thoughts. But I see Alex coming inside the cafeteria, we all breathe a sigh of relief.

"Miss Andrea, you are next. Don't worry honey it's just a few simple questions." officer Emily says.

I take a deep breath and follow her, we walk towards the library and sit down at a table. I notice that officer James has a notepad in his hand, and there is a recorder there too.

Guess, they came prepared. Late but prepared. Officer Emily begins interrogating me.

"Tell me Andrea what happened?"

So I recite everything from the start to end mentioning all that had happened, and I notice a small smile playing on her lips when I say that I whacked a guy with a rod.

She nods and continues, "How many people did you see in all?"

"umm, there were seven people in all. First there were three and then four came as back up."

"Ok so why were you outside the school building?"

"I was late, so the teacher sent me out of the class as a punishment and I heard the puppy whimpering so I followed the voice and saw the people."

She nods and then turns off the recorder and motions officer James to go out.

What in the world?

"Ok honey, now I am going to ask you a little personal question but you need to answer me truthfully. Ok?"

What was she going to ask me?

My favourite ice cream flavour?

I nod nonetheless.

"So, in any way did any of them assault you? I want you to be honest about this honey."

I shake my head as a no, "no officer, they didn't even touch me."

She smiles and says," I don't think that the young man would have let them misplace a strand of your hair."

"Young man? Who?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Ryder. Yes, Ryder. The tallest one, in the leather jacket. Got the bad boy thing going on for him, huh?"

I blush.

I don't know why but I do. She takes this as a positive sign and continues, "Don't let him go. He is a gem, a little rocky, but a gem nonetheless."

I smile and take her advice, not like it's going to work or anything. And she tells me I am free to go. But as I am about to exit I make a comment," Oh officer Emily, I think you would look great with officer James. I ship it."

And just as I thought officer Emily turns a deep shade of red, and stammers out a 'hush kids these days'. That was fun.

I then go back to the cafeteria and see the boys eating cake. Ooh, cake I like cake.

But where did they get cake from?

And is that Hot chocolate I smell?

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