Chapter 36 | Hangover

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He pushed Mani aside and started driving home angrily. While driving, he heard Ishita mumbling something in her subconscious state. Listening to that, he started having tears. He turned to see her sobbing a bit in her subconscious state. He wiped his tears and continued driving home. Since it was already past midnight, the roads were empty. He reached home quick, and parked the car inside. He turned to see his wife who had already passed out. He came out and went to open the house's main door. He switched on the lights in the hall and came back to the passenger side of the car. He opened the door and opened the seatbelt. He took her bag and carried her in the bridal way. He brought her into the house and placed her on the sofa in the hall. He went outside, locked the car, locked the door and came in. He switched off most of the lights in the hall, leaving just 2 on.

He carried Ishita to their bedroom. He placed her on the bed softly and closed the door. He took his night clothes and went to the bathroom to change, not before looking at Ishita. He wiped his tear and went to change. He came out and saw Ishita sleeping in an uncomfortable way. "Oh god, she's still in just now's clothes. And its so uncomfortable. What if the beads on her suit poke or scratch her? But she's not in a position to change into her night clothes... What do I do? Should I change her clothes? No no, I shouldn't, it'll look as if I'm thirsty. But if I don't, it'll hurt her. I'll do it, with the lights off. I'm her husband", Raman thought before opening her side of the cupboard. He look out a loose nightgown and switched off the lights in the room. He slowly walked to her and opened her watch, bracelet and rings, not their engagement ring though. He removed her necklace and earrings.

He reached the button of her top on her back. He opened the button, and slowly removed her top, not wanting to wake her up. He covered her with the duvet while finding for the night gown that he brought earlier. He opened her hair pins and slowly put on the night gown for her. After fighting with his thoughts, he opened her tight jeans and took it off. He covered her with the night gown which reached up to her feet. He removed her heels and kept it aside. He took a wet wipe and wiped off her light make up because he knew sleeping with make up on isn't good. He covered her with the duvet fully and switched on the bed light. He sighed seeing her sleeping. He saw her bringing her hand up to her mid back trying to reach her bra. "Does she loosen it before sleeping? I think so, because I think I remembered someone saying it isn't good wearing tight clothes while sleeping. I'll just unhook it without touching her", Raman thought before unhooking her bra without putting his hand into her night gown. She sighed and hugged the pillow. Raman went to his laptop bag to take out a notebook and a pen he wrote something long on a paper and kept it on the bed table which was on her side. Raman came to his side of the bed and slept after switching off all the lights.

The next morning,

Ishita struggled to open her eyes. She had difficulty getting up. With her eyes closed, she touched Raman's side of the bed to find it empty. She rubbed her eyes continuously and as she opened, the rays of the sunlight directly hit her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened her eyes. Confusion hit her like a truck as she held her head in pain.

Ishita: Oh god!! Why does my head ache so much??

She started pinching the area between her eyebrows to ease her pain. Then realization hit her. She immediately got up and sat on the bed while leaning on the bedrest.

Ishita: Main yahaan kya kar raha hoon? And its morning already??

Then she looked at what she was wearing. She felt her bra loosened too. She covered herself with the blanket until her neck. Tears started forming in her eyes.

Ishita: Oh god maine kya kardiya? Kal raat... Party... Oh no I don't remember anything. Aise nahi... Raman didn't leave me and go na? Raman ke bina mein...

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